What are the ladies lifting?

Just curious... I started lifting not too long ago and wondering what kind of weight the MFP ladies are doing.

Mainly for squats, benching, over head, dead lifts etc


  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    a few of mine:
    front squat 145
    back squat:155
    overhead squat: 105
    bench: 115
    Strict OH press: 75
    split jerk: 125
    dead lift: 205
    clean and jerk: 110
    snatch: 95

    that sums up the lifts pretty well :) those are all my 1 rep maxes from the last time i tested- i usually lift around 70-85%, with different rep schemes and retest 1RM for new numbers 4x a year
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Dead lift: 200
    Squat: 150
    Bench: 105
    Dumbell OHP: 65

    Not my 1RM but more my top set usually for between 5-8 reps