5'2 stuck at 127lbs, plateau for 4 weeks now



  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Need a little help here if anyone has advice-

    I hit my initial goal weight of 125.5 on 11/18 and have not seen a loss since; only a 2lb gain. I had my period after thanksgiving so I assumed the 2lbs was from that or the thanksgiving day off-plan foods, however it has not gone back down to 125 in 4 weeks.

    The past 2 weeks I've been extremely strict, tracking every single piece of food on MFP. My bf and I like to go to dinner at least one night on the weekends and I've skipped that for 2 weeks now trying to figure out the issue.

    I've been practicing IF for 8 months on a 16:8 schedule and eat only 1200cal a day. I'm concerned that the scale has not changed in 4 weeks and especially these last two weeks of strict 1200cal a day with one full day of a 24hr fast. The deficit should have moved the scale at least a little bit.

    The lack of progress is also starting to mentally drag me down now that is is hitting a 3rd weekend where I can't enjoy a dinner out.

    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated especially if you're short with the same goal of 115.

    Thanks for listening~

    I've never tried Intermittent Fasting so I don't really have an opinion other than to say.. if you hit your goal, why are you still dieting? Is your goal a lower weight? At some point you'll need to slowly transition to maintenance unless you're intending to use IF ongoing permanently. I think you would be better off transitioning slowly into maintenance calories and shooting for body recomp. During recomp you'll gain muscle, which can equal a little weight but it can also (and should) equal fat loss at the same time. All you need to do is keep up your exercise routine, or intensify it if you can, and stay close to your maintenance calorie level and stick to your macros whenever possible. It takes a LONG time. I've been at it for six months now and I'm just now starting to notice muscle gains in areas where I had no muscle previously. Weight gain has been slight, but I'm still far below the 'overweight' mark for BMI so I don't sweat it. It may simply be time to think about changing your routine based on your long term goals rather than the short term ones (weight loss).
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    It's a hard transition to go from the mindset of losing weight, to gaining muscle, but it is possible and healthy!

    You certainly hit the nail on the head with that statement. I still struggle with it even being 10-12 lbs below my original goal weight.

  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member
    @peaceout_aly - You look amazing! How often do you lift i.e. how many days a week for how long? I think I need to start small and simple in order to make it a daily habit. I've never been good with gyms or exercise on a consistent daily basis. Food is much easier for me to control and the only thing that's gotten me from 200lbs down to 125.
  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member

    I've never tried Intermittent Fasting so I don't really have an opinion other than to say.. if you hit your goal, why are you still dieting? Is your goal a lower weight?

    I still have fat in certain areas and I never thought I would even get to the 120s range so I set smaller goals first with 125 being the initial and 115 being the final. IF has really helped me lose more quickly and fits in with my work schedule nicely. Thank you for your advice.
  • EDs3000
    EDs3000 Posts: 46 Member
    Could be that your body has gotten use to your stiric diet and exercises you have been doing. I would change it up with maybe some HIIT workouts. I also started drink green tea myself as a way to help my body breakdown fats.. Hope this works.
    Add me if u like... Keep working hard...
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    edited December 2016
    Need a little help here if anyone has advice-

    I hit my initial goal weight of 125.5 on 11/18 and have not seen a loss since; only a 2lb gain. I had my period after thanksgiving so I assumed the 2lbs was from that or the thanksgiving day off-plan foods, however it has not gone back down to 125 in 4 weeks.

    The past 2 weeks I've been extremely strict, tracking every single piece of food on MFP. My bf and I like to go to dinner at least one night on the weekends and I've skipped that for 2 weeks now trying to figure out the issue.

    I've been practicing IF for 8 months on a 16:8 schedule and eat only 1200cal a day. I'm concerned that the scale has not changed in 4 weeks and especially these last two weeks of strict 1200cal a day with one full day of a 24hr fast. The deficit should have moved the scale at least a little bit.

    The lack of progress is also starting to mentally drag me down now that is is hitting a 3rd weekend where I can't enjoy a dinner out.

    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated especially if you're short with the same goal of 115.

    Thanks for listening~
    Read this carefully:

    I am skipping things I enjoy because I want to lose 2 pounds.

    I am skipping things I enjoy because I want to lose 2 pounds.

    I am skipping things I enjoy because I want to lose 2 pounds.

    I went 24 hours without eating to make the scale move.

    I am skipping things I enjoy because I want to lose 2 pounds.
    I am skipping things I enjoy because I want to lose 2 pounds.

    Life is too short for this nonsense. At 5'4, 127 pounds you are a in a healthy weight range. Give yourself a break from trying to lose. Maintain and consider upping your activity. None of this sounds good.

    This is helpful to me too. I have to tell myself that my way of thinking is nonsense at times. You are so right. Although I'm not telling OP it's nonsense because I don't do that. But for me, I will agree that my thinking can be way off, and life is too short.

    Thanks for posting this. :)
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    Need a little help here if anyone has advice-

    I hit my initial goal weight of 125.5 on 11/18 and have not seen a loss since; only a 2lb gain. I had my period after thanksgiving so I assumed the 2lbs was from that or the thanksgiving day off-plan foods, however it has not gone back down to 125 in 4 weeks.

    The past 2 weeks I've been extremely strict, tracking every single piece of food on MFP. My bf and I like to go to dinner at least one night on the weekends and I've skipped that for 2 weeks now trying to figure out the issue.

    I've been practicing IF for 8 months on a 16:8 schedule and eat only 1200cal a day. I'm concerned that the scale has not changed in 4 weeks and especially these last two weeks of strict 1200cal a day with one full day of a 24hr fast. The deficit should have moved the scale at least a little bit.

    The lack of progress is also starting to mentally drag me down now that is is hitting a 3rd weekend where I can't enjoy a dinner out.

    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated especially if you're short with the same goal of 115.

    Thanks for listening~

    Am I missing something... It's been 3 weeks instead of 4, right? With fluctuating hormones and the leaner you become, it gets harder to see much movement. However, it will drop further though. Just keep it at.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I still have fat in certain areas and I never thought I would even get to the 120s range so I set smaller goals first with 125 being the initial and 115 being the final. IF has really helped me lose more quickly and fits in with my work schedule nicely. Thank you for your advice.

    While you are right, only way to lose the fat in those areas is to continue to loose fat overall, and that usually means a deficit. However, in recomp you can do a very slight deficit, or eat even at maintenance and simply push exercise for that deficit and gain more muscle and continue to slowly chip away at the fat. That's pretty much recomp in a nutshell. It won't be quick results though, so it takes a lot of patience, and I can tell you from experience that patience comes with a fair amount of doubt about whether you're doing the right thing. But I figure as long as I'm not gaining too much too fast and I continue to look better in the mirror, even if it's really slow progress, then it's worth it for the overall improvement. I'll also admit, I went 5 lbs under my goal before starting recomp. In recomp, just from slowly moving up to maintenance calories, and sometimes putting myself in a deficit from too much exercise, I managed to lose an additional 5+ lbs. Even with that, some of those problem areas still hang onto that tiny bit of fat, and it seems the only way those areas are going to let go of it is if I replace it with muscle. Right now I'm trying to eat closer to my goal (less of an actual deficit at the end of the day) and to sometimes go a tad over while increasing strength training. I can't use weights much because of previous back injuries so it's body weight for me, but I'd have to agree with @peaceout_aly, if you can do strength training of any sort, it'd not hurt one bit to help you achieve your goals. Good luck!
  • darbierenfrow33
    darbierenfrow33 Posts: 7 Member
    How has your IF gone? I started it almost a week ago and I really like it so far but I am cautious because of the negative side effects I have read that it has on women.

    Also, I started IF because of the positive effects it is supposed to have when you are trying to lean up. I'm very close to my all time goal weight, I'm already in a really happy place, but I have started implementing a lifting routine to add definition and muscle tone. As previous commenters have mentioned, toning up might do exactly what you are hoping to achieve.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't understand the point in torturing yourself for 1.5 Lbs that could literally be anything...
  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member
    How has your IF gone?

    I really enjoy IF. I've been doing a 16:8 while still on 1200cal since around April and it has helped me lose 25lbs in 7-8 months. It's advised not to do it if you're pregnant or nursing. Early on I had some trouble with it in regards to falling asleep. My last meals are 8pm and bedtime at 11pm so I often had insomnia and restless leg. This went away I'd say 2 months in but it was quite annoying. Other than that I didn't have any other trouble and normal cycle.

  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I don't understand the point in torturing yourself for 1.5 Lbs that could literally be anything...

    Just absolutely this.

    I would strongly recommend you challenge yourself to use an app like Happy Scale to track your weight TREND. This is far more useful than watching those mindless and largely meaningless daily fluctuations.

    And, if this makes you feel any better. I am actually 15lbs heavier than the weight I was when I switched to maintenance, but my clothes size is the same. Focus on working out, being healthy and relish your achievement. Don't stress the odd pound of weight.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I'm going to second recomp.

    I'm also going to second the notion that life is too short and you are torturing yourself for 2 lbs which is in the normal range of daily weight fluctuation.

    If you're not comfortable starting out with weights, there are some progressive bodyweight programs to get you started. I think you'd be much happier doing some sort of resistance training and eating a bit more, than you would be continuing to be so strict on yourself.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,023 Member
    Need a little help here if anyone has advice-

    I hit my initial goal weight of 125.5 on 11/18 and have not seen a loss since; only a 2lb gain. I had my period after thanksgiving so I assumed the 2lbs was from that or the thanksgiving day off-plan foods, however it has not gone back down to 125 in 4 weeks.

    The past 2 weeks I've been extremely strict, tracking every single piece of food on MFP. My bf and I like to go to dinner at least one night on the weekends and I've skipped that for 2 weeks now trying to figure out the issue.

    I've been practicing IF for 8 months on a 16:8 schedule and eat only 1200cal a day. I'm concerned that the scale has not changed in 4 weeks and especially these last two weeks of strict 1200cal a day with one full day of a 24hr fast. The deficit should have moved the scale at least a little bit.

    The lack of progress is also starting to mentally drag me down now that is is hitting a 3rd weekend where I can't enjoy a dinner out.

    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated especially if you're short with the same goal of 115.

    Thanks for listening~

    It's only been three weeks since 11/18 (your last loss), not four weeks, and it's only been two weeks since Thanksgiving. No change in three weeks is not a plateau, especially with an admission that you went off plan during Thanksgiving.

  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm 5'4". I remember finally hitting 127 on the scale for the first time. I got there kicking and screaming from the previous goal of 133. Most of the time the scale didn't "move" at all. I was just kind of....127 one day. Once you re relatively slim/lean and well within a healthy weight range it's just *kitten* slow.

    Now I'm a whopping 148lbs and it's still slow
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    You have written a lot about your diet, what do you do for physical activity?

    I have an IT job so I bought a cubii under-the-desk elliptical which I use throughout the entire workday ~6-7 hours Mon-Fri. It synches to fitbit which is awesome and it tracks calories but I take the accuracy with a grain of salt and don't eat them back.

    Other than that I focus more on enjoyable types of activity like a zumba or yoga class but don't have a set regimented gym schedule.

    You use an elliptical 6-7 hours a day?!!?!

    I ran a half marathon on Sunday and my weight jumped 3 kg.

    Your muscles are probably heavily overloaded with water trying to repair themselves.

    Cut yourself some slack, woman! Best wishes.