Mesomorphs; do you feel blessed to be able to build muscle easily?



  • serapel
    serapel Posts: 502 Member
    TR0berts wrote: »
    serapel wrote: »
    richln wrote: »
    serapel wrote: »
    How would one explain this study?

    "University of Oklahoma researchers compared people of different ages who followed the exact same program for eight weeks. They found that guys between 35 and 50 years old built just as much muscle as those between 18 and 22 years old."

    Need a link to the actual study; I'm not willing to take Men's Health's interpretation of the results as a source. My google ninja skills led me to this, which looks like it may be the study in question, but I can't find the full article.
    Abstract leaves too many questions unanswered. Were all the subjects untrained? Were some of the subjects previously trained, and had become detrained? What was their initial bodyfat, and their initial energy balance going into the study? What were their diets like? Were their calories monitored? Standard deviations are large, indicates to me this may have been a "don't alter your current diet" study.

    Anyway, if you are making noticeable progress towards your goals, then what difference does it make exactly how many pounds of muscle you have gained?

    true dat. my bum is looking a lot better.

    Must resist urge to creep profile for pics of said bum...

    Oh do take a look