Metabolism - Slow? Please Help.

Hi. I'm 5'2 and I'm at the very edge of the peak of a "normal, healthy weight". However, I'm trying to lose at least 10-15 pounds just so that if I slip extra pounds, I won't be at the "overweight" category.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone could help me out or give me any advice?

My metabolism is very, very slow. At least, I think it is. I only eat 2 meals a day, sometimes 3 on a good day. This is because I'm in school all day and I have classes back-to-back. So most of the times, I tend to forget to eat. When I come home late in the evening, I would eat dinner (which would at least be my 2nd if not 3rd meal of the day). And I would stay up and sleep around 3-4AM because I'm taking 5 classes and I have to fit all that workload in one day. This causes me to over sleep and not wake up till 11am-noon. So technically, my breakfast would be my lunch. Anyways, that's basically how my days are.

My meals consist of "healthy" food. Rarely any junk, rarely anything processed. My parents are healthy junkies, so we have lots of clean, organic food. Well, my meals would be at least anywhere from 250-400 calories. If I eat only 2x a day, that's at least 800 calories total and if I eat 3x a day, that would come around at the very most, 1200. I do take awhile to digest everything, I don't know why. And honestly, it's really frustrating because I hear people eating 1600-1800 calories a day and they lose weight. While me, I eat 1200 at the most + I workout for 30min-1 hour 3-5x a week and my weight fluctuates (I would lose a pound on one day and then gain 2 the next day, etc). People tell me to eat more meals a day, but I just can't get myself to do it. Sometimes, on a good day, I can do 1400, but I really can't get myself to eat 5-6 small meals a day, I just don't have the time or motivation. Also, I'm scared that if I eat more meals, I'm going to gain weight considering that I only eat 2-3 meals and I only lost 3 pounds in a month of exercising daily.

Is there any way to fix this? Do I really need to get myself to eat more meals a day? Is that proven to get my metabolism to be a lot more faster? Please help. This whole thing is so depressing, honestly. :(


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    The number of meals you have per day does not affect metabolism.

    Do you log your food? Do you log consistently? HOw long have you been dieting?
  • Skyetropics
    Skyetropics Posts: 32 Member
    Before we even get into logging and whatnot, you kinda spilled it all out there for us. You are very close to the top of your normal weight range so already it will be a slow process and add to that you are stressed, you probably dont get enough sleep and if you exercise and eat that little calories, well you will lose weight really slow or not at all. If you can find the time to exercise (how hard do you work out as well) you can find the time to eat. I always tell myself that. I lost 80 pounds before I got pregnant with this frame of thinking.

    Throw some almonds in a ziplock and nibble on them throughout the day. You will be suprised how much calories you get from a handful of almonds. Hummus with pita chips maybe? if you are a student, you are on the go or your face is stuck in a book so you need grazing food (serving sizes only of course) to fill in those gaps and give you some energy and fill in those lost calories. It wont feel like you are overeating. there are so many options out there. Maybe dial the working out back a little so you can focus on the nutrition. I am in no way advocating for you to stop but if you eat at a deficit you will lose weight anyway. Get some more rest too. Thats what i'm about to do. Maybe someone can lead you in the right direction to get educated on the nutrition aspect of getting to your goal as well as explaining the numbers to you (TDEE, BMR etc). Good luck and dont discredit those 3 pounds that you lost :smile:
  • haziexxx
    haziexxx Posts: 7
    The number of meals you have per day does not affect metabolism.

    Do you log your food? Do you log consistently? HOw long have you been dieting?

    I've been dieting for almost half a year now. But no matter what I do, my weight fluctuates. It's nothing too drastic, but my weight stays within a 5 pound limit (i.e. lose/gain no more than 5 pounds). I do have a cheat day once a week. For instance, I would eat sushi on Saturday night or a cheeseburger or half a slice of cake once a month.

    And yes, I do log my food. I log it everyday until not too long ago when I just became super frustrated. I feel like nothing works. :(

    I mean, I hear people only taking in 1600 calories a day and they become anorexic from it. And I only take in 1200 and I only lose like water weight. -_-...
  • haziexxx
    haziexxx Posts: 7
    If you can find the time to exercise (how hard do you work out as well) you can find the time to eat. I always tell myself that. I lost 80 pounds before I got pregnant with this frame of thinking.

    I do Insanity at least 5-6x a week. If I miss a day, I try to fit what I miss on my "Rest" day. Except I took a break this week because of my summer school taking over.
    I am in no way advocating for you to stop but if you eat at a deficit you will lose weight anyway. Get some more rest too. Thats what i'm about to do. Maybe someone can lead you in the right direction to get educated on the nutrition aspect of getting to your goal as well as explaining the numbers to you (TDEE, BMR etc). Good luck and dont discredit those 3 pounds that you lost :smile:

    Is it because of my lack of sleep? I heard sleeping way too much or way too little can cause weight gain. Also, I do have my nutrition down. My family is a health freak, so I'm always consuming my greens and my fruits. I rarely eat junk. I do log in my food, so I know never to pass the sugar/carbs/salt intake necessary for that day.

    But overall, thanks for the reply and the advice! :)
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Eating in a caloric deficit for a long period of time will damage your metabolism, especially if its a large deficit. It is not recommended to net below 1200 calories for a women and 1800 calories for a man. Your metabolism maybe slow from undereating, try upping your calories by 100 ever week so your body gets used to the calories.
  • haziexxx
    haziexxx Posts: 7
    Eating in a caloric deficit for a long period of time will damage your metabolism, especially if its a large deficit. It is not recommended to net below 1200 calories for a women and 1800 calories for a man. Your metabolism maybe slow from undereating, try upping your calories by 100 ever week so your body gets used to the calories.

    Will this make me gain weight? :(
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    I mean, I hear people only taking in 1600 calories a day and they become anorexic from it.

    what does that even mean?!
  • haziexxx
    haziexxx Posts: 7

    I mean, I hear people only taking in 1600 calories a day and they become anorexic from it.

    what does that even mean?!

    Lol, I know this sounds silly. I was watching a few series of Supersize vs. Superskinny and in-between the shows, they would show someone with an eating disorder who is anorexic. A few of these girls only eat between 1000-1600 calories a day and they look like skeletons. I have no idea how that is even possible, but it might be due to their metabolism or poor nutrition? Idk. Also, some of these "Superskinny" women eat around 1000-1600 and they still manage to be ridiculously underweight. That's why they undergo shock treatments and counseling.