recomp macro question

currently 135lbs, 5'8. eaten 160c,135p, 45f. I'm wanting to make some gains while keeping fat off. for recomp does this sounds okay:
calories- 1925
carbs- 215
protien- 140
fat- 50

I'm not sure if those carbs are too high or even right.


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Body fat comes from being in an energy surplus not from your macro split or carbs.

    Being in a calorie balance will keep the fat off - the quantity of carbs in your diet won't have any impact either way.

    That's certainly plenty of protein, you could reduce it if you wished (if you find it a struggle to meet).
    Fat seems about right.

    Personally I don't like fixed macro percentages and prefer to set minimum goals for protein and fat and let the rest fall in place within the overall calorie goal
  • stephenearllucas
    stephenearllucas Posts: 255 Member
    edited December 2016
    @sijomial - I've hit my goal weight of 185 pounds. I'm 6'2", 56 years old; best estimate is about 12-13% body fat.

    Based on my records for the last year (daily calorie intake and average loss), I estimate my current TDEE at 2850 calories.

    For my macros for this year, I'm thinking 185 grams protein, 95 grams fat, and the balance in carbohydrates + whatever.

    My goal for 2017 is improved fitness in strength, cardio, and flexibility while maintaining weight; I would imagine I'll also see at least some amount of recomposition as a result as well.

    Do you think this makes sense? Thanks in advance!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    @sijomial - I've hit my goal weight of 185 pounds. I'm 6'2", 56 years old; best estimate is about 12-13% body fat.

    Based on my records for the last year (daily calorie intake and average loss), I estimate my current TDEE at 2850 calories.

    For my macros for this year, I'm thinking 185 grams protein, 95 grams fat, and the balance in carbohydrates + whatever.

    My goal for 2017 is improved fitness in strength, cardio, and flexibility while maintaining weight; I would imagine I'll also see at least some amount of recomposition as a result as well.

    Do you think this makes sense? Thanks in advance!

    I'm not @sijomial but I think your plan seems spot on.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    @sijomial - I've hit my goal weight of 185 pounds. I'm 6'2", 56 years old; best estimate is about 12-13% body fat.

    Based on my records for the last year (daily calorie intake and average loss), I estimate my current TDEE at 2850 calories.

    For my macros for this year, I'm thinking 185 grams protein, 95 grams fat, and the balance in carbohydrates + whatever.

    My goal for 2017 is improved fitness in strength, cardio, and flexibility while maintaining weight; I would imagine I'll also see at least some amount of recomposition as a result as well.

    Do you think this makes sense? Thanks in advance!
    Sounds good to me.
    (I tend to aim for BW x 0.4 for fat as a minimum and tend to easily exceed that.)
  • stephenearllucas
    stephenearllucas Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks, guys!