Back on the horse- throw some motivation my way?

So, after three months of logging and 12 pounds down, three weeks or so ago I... fell off the horse. And not just stumbled. That horse threw me off, I rolled down a hill, into a ravine, fell into the river and over the waterfall.

Or, in less dramatic terms: three weeks ago I changed from being someone who works at home to having an office to go to every day. My routine upended itself. Instead of an hour and a half in the gym every weekday morning I'd just a 20 minute walk to work (which ain't nothin, but it ain't a 1.5 hour workout!). To top that off, my boss loves takeaways and orders in pizza like ALL the time- and it's good pizza too, proper fancy Italian stuff. And to top THAT off, for the last four weekends I've either been travelling and visiting friends in other cities myself, or hosting people visiting here, and it's been rich-restaurant-food several times a week and OH BOY did I indulge.

So. Here we are. This weekend I decided that I wasn't letting myself slide any further down this hill. So I've cooked up a bunch of meals for the freezer (with the recipes all weighed 'n' logged) and made myself a meal plan for the week, and I've an appointment with a trainer for a new workout program this evening and.. well, I still haven't built up the courage to step on the scales and find out the damage yet. But as of three weeks ago I'd 18lb to go to reach my goal, and I'll be damned if I'll let life circumstances and a pizza-loving boss (well, I say boss but it's just the two of us working together!) get in the way of getting to where I wanna be.

But I ain't gonna lie. I hit the 12 pound mark and things STALLED. I felt like the halfway point was so close (only 3lb!) I could nearly touch it, and then I fell right off the wagon. I'm feeling like this whole weight loss thing is a massive slog and I'm sick of saying 'no' (or 'not now' or 'just one small one!') to lovely food. It feels like the novelty has worn right off and it's a lot harder to motivate myself to keep going.

But for the first time in years I'm beginning to like who I see when I look in the mirror? And I can't wait to see how I look and feel when I reach my goal.

So! Those of you who've fallen right off the wagon and gotten back up again and slogged your way through- send some inspiration and some stories my way, will ya? Ta!


  • helpmeimabingeater
    You've got this! I've dropped 125 this way.. logging on MFP... I too have been knocked down and drug around but refuse to give up. I was so so so close to my goal when I fell! Now I've gained back 40 pounds and have started again from scratch. We can do this!
  • amara_84
    amara_84 Posts: 18 Member
    I wasn't calorie counting yet, but I was hitting the gym hard and watching what I ate. Ate the time I had no support system so dinners were eh.. then I had Lasix done and couldn't sweat for 3 weeks. took a good 6 months for me to jump back on the eating healthy train. But now I'm down almost 40 pounds.
  • BeGrandLike
    BeGrandLike Posts: 184 Member
    You've got this! I've dropped 125 this way.. logging on MFP... I too have been knocked down and drug around but refuse to give up. I was so so so close to my goal when I fell! Now I've gained back 40 pounds and have started again from scratch. We can do this!

    Y'know, after knowing what a pain in the bum it is losing this 30 pounds, I am in awe of people who've stuck it out and lost 100+. Like, gobsmackingly-awestruck.

    But yeah, if you managed to lose a whole 125 then 40 is gonna be no bother to you!
  • ktaylor1188
    ktaylor1188 Posts: 141 Member
    I too am getting back on the horse...different story but for the same end result. I lost 120lbs and got to my goal the end of 2014, then in January of 2015 got pregnant
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I have made my health and fitness goals a low priority over and over, without regret. I think it's important to the long game to realize that those goals can't be number one all the time. For me at least, it's unsustainable. But the minute things settle down, they're right back up there in priority.
  • BeGrandLike
    BeGrandLike Posts: 184 Member
    I have made my health and fitness goals a low priority over and over, without regret. I think it's important to the long game to realize that those goals can't be number one all the time. For me at least, it's unsustainable. But the minute things settle down, they're right back up there in priority.

    Y'know, I read something recently that feels very similar to this. It was about the myth of willpower- the idea that it's only people who have amazing willpower and who never mess up who get to achieve great things.

    Anyway, this thing that I read said that that was a pile of bull-droppings. It's all about not catastrophising your mistakes and letting them throw you off completely. Takin' your hits (or, er, in this case your second huge slice of cake and yes of course I'd love another glass or three of wine..) and dusting yourself off and getting right back to it.

    I think that a lot of us have this perfectionist attitude toward achieving things that it's really hard to get past. You slip, you feel awful about yourself for it, then you feel like it's pointless so you indulge even more, then you feel more awful and feel more pointless and.. so on and so on. It's a horrible way to be! Especially 'cause, yeah, life gets in the way sometimes.