Change in Diet Settings

I have loss five pounds and noted it in the journal. The website has changed the calorie, fat, protein, and carb levels that I have previously. My carbs increased 50 grams, fat increased 4 grams, and protein decreased 54 grams.

The starting levels were set by my dietitian. But, I am surprised with the new changes. Can someone comment? The protein decrease seems high.


  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Weird. Only thing I can think of is if there was some system update that wiped out your settings. Your macro numbers will adjust as you lose weight, but they will go down modestly to match your calorie level, not change altogether. Just go in and reset them manually and maybe send a note to the help desk.
  • CyberTone
    CyberTone Posts: 7,337 Member
    I assume your dietitian used the MFP feature for Custom Goals, so the dietitian-recommended settings for macro percentages were different than the MFP default recommendations.

    When you updated your weight loss, did you use the Progress (Check-In) section, which will not trigger an update of your nutrition goals, or did you use the Goals section, which on the mobile apps will specifically ask you to confirm that you want to update your nutrition goals? If you used the Goals section, the macro percentages were reset to the MFP default. If you want to maintain the same percentages of macros that your dietitian recommended, you will have to calculate the new percentages again, and reset Custom Goals.
    Protein need estimations have been increased to 20% of calories, up from from 15%, and carbohydrate need estimations have decreased from 55% of calories to 50%. Percentage of calories from fat remain unchanged. The new ratios still fall within the ranges established by the IOM and align with the macronutrient proportion recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010: 45-65% of calories from carbohydrates, 10-35% of calories from protein, and 20-35% of calories from fat.

  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I knew @CyberTone would have your answer- he knows everything! (about MFP, anyway ;) )