Home made protein shakes

Hello I'm new to this app and would love to hear about any homage protein shakes that are good to take after a work out & any homemade shakes that can be used as a meal replacement. I'm currently trying to limit my calorie intake to drop some weight but maintain current muscle mass.

I'm by no means a pro lifter or athlete, just looking to stay fit and healthy to keep up with my children. Thank you in advance for your opinions, assistance and for sharing your own recipes.

My current shake consist of the following:

1cup 1% milk
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 tbs peanut butter
2 tbs chocolate ovaltine
1/2 banana
50 g acai (frozen)

And every other day I will add 2 tbs of Metamucil.


  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    that sounds good. wondering why you do 2 tbs of metamucil every other day instead of just a single tbs every day, but just curious.

    i'm pretty traditionalist - don't mess much with a shake that already works. so mine is just vanilla whey isolate powder, regular yogurt (the greek kind tastes like spackle to me) and fruit of some kind. i do have this big bag of coconut flour i've got no other use for so sometimes i add a few spoonfuls of that for fibre, but i got the impression from somewhere that the calorie hit is quite high so /meh.

    someone i know swears by avocado in her smoothies and promises me i won't even know that it's there, but i haven't trusted her yet :tongue:
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Any food containing protein is good after a workout, and you don't have to replace meals to lose weight. Kudos to you for using "real" food in your shake (I was expecting protein powder :p ). I would personally choose between the berries and the chocolate flavor, but that's me, what's omportant is that your shake tastes good to you.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Can I ask what the calories are?
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Can I ask what the calories are?

    It's 410 calories for 35 g protein *without* the raw acai berries, for which I could not find a USDA entry in the database (after a whole 2 seconds of searching).

    Just for comparison, my go-to shake is 35 g protein for 285 calories, with 1 cup skim milk, 2 scoops EAS vanilla whey, and 1/2 banana. but adding in peanut butter would kick it right up there.

    Although I have started eating greek yogurt, I did not realize that 1 cup gives you 22 g of protein for 120 calories...of course I *have* to add honey, but I would rather just eat greek yogurt and a tablespoon of honey for 185 calories! Duly noted...
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Thanks. My go to protein powder is 150 cals for 35g protein so I was just curious what the difference in calories would be. I'm not very adventurous with it, but have added ice and a banana and really liked the result. As far as Greek yogurt, I bought 4 small ones to try and 2 have been sitting in the fridge for a couple of weeks. Just never liked the taste of any yogurt. Fussy that way. Guess I could dump it in a shake.

  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Thanks. My go to protein powder is 150 cals for 35g protein so I was just curious what the difference in calories would be. I'm not very adventurous with it, but have added ice and a banana and really liked the result. As far as Greek yogurt, I bought 4 small ones to try and 2 have been sitting in the fridge for a couple of weeks. Just never liked the taste of any yogurt. Fussy that way. Guess I could dump it in a shake.

    Are they the flavored kinds? I am reaching the point where I just can't really handle the fake flavors any more--not that I am a "clean" eater by any stretch, but I've pared much of my diet back to whole-food fundamentals. At least once, you should try a high-quality plain Greek yogurt with honey and a smattering of granola and berries. It is fan-freakin'-tastic. :) (Feel free to track me down and yell at me if you don't like it!)