Ex Ironman now unfit, and Obesed..... Oh dear.

Just a quick intro . I'm Jon and based in Surrey, UK.
Ex IM athlete when my body fat was below 10% and I looked fit and healthy. Ten years on I still do a bit of running, cycling but my cloths no longer fit me . I decided to 'invest' in a set of bathroom scales today and despite the denial for a long time I realise I am obesed, fat , though I still like to think fairly fit.
So hear I am now writing this and deciding what action plan to take. Would love to hear about your inspiring stories...


  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    I've had a sneak peak at your profile - you've got a target of 15 kg - that's totally doable :-)
    you've got a great head start to many here as from your IM days you will know a lot about nutrition, the importance of a balanced diet etc etc
    I'd suggest you start logging your food and would highly recommend you invest in a kitchen scale too whilst you're at it :-). Portion sizes are much smaller than many think and the logging teaches good habits and makes you realise how much stuff you eat/drink that is just empty calories.
    My not so inspiring story is that i keep coming back to lose 7 kg when I hit my no longer acceptable marker lol, which seems to be every autumn! - this time the plan is to lower the maker once im at GW (goal weight) and come back here for accountability. I.e start reducing calories or increasing exercise much sooner till i finally learn that i can't just eat what i want unless i ride about 500 miles a month :-)
    Good luck!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member

    You've come to the right place.

    MFP, walking, then falling in love with running has helped me lose 80 lbs, run 5 half marathons since June, and maintain my goal weight since April.

    My top tip is to read the helpful first posts of the topics listed in this thread:
