Does alcohol play an important part in your life?

I'm not talking about alcoholism etc. That's an addiction I'm pretty sure is genetic as I have downed more pints then most alcoholics, yet can go months, if need be, without being bothered by its absence.
I'm talking about other things. For instance, spitits can lower blood sugar, whilst beer can raise it. Personally, I have a huge problem with getting unbroken sleep. When I get to my crabby point, (usually after about 4 days of broken shallow sleep), a few tots of whisky send me into 8-10 unbroken hours of beautiful restful sleep. I wake refreshed and ready for the world.


  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I'm a homebrewer and just beginning to dabble with distillation, so I would say yes, but it's the social and flavor aspect. Nothing better than sampling a new experimental brew and I personally love the science behind fermentation, but that's the microbiologist in me.

    I'm fascinated by the impact this can have on the body, the health aspects as you elude to. I don't believe we will ever have a firm answer on this as there are simply too many variables at play. Considering the unknown damage done by stress, simply having a drink and going through the motions of sitting down, relaxing and sampling a stellar brew must have a positive influence.
  • TerryMyfitbitsnbobs
    You must be a lambic fan then. Brettanamices lambicus, etc all fighting in a bottle for balance. Amazing stuff.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    edited December 2016
    No part at all. I had some...bad experiences with hooch in my teenage days that rendered me completely disinterested in it. At most, I might hit a neat scotch once per year.
  • TerryMyfitbitsnbobs
    I had the pleasure of sampling a Cantillon Lambic from the barrel. Amazing.
  • TerryMyfitbitsnbobs
    I think good craft beer in particular is more about feeding the soul than about numbing the mind. It can truly be an exquisite culinary art form.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    This is where quality > quantity. Selecting a peaty scotch - allowing this to decant, inhaling the aroma, allowing this to cover the mouth and feel all the varying tastes - wonderful. Seeing how this tastes in various glasses, on water, on ice is magic in a bottle. I cannot stomach the loss of control and never drink to excess. Very much in agreement with your sentiment of feeding the soul. I love visiting all the craft brewers popping up and having a conversation over some fermented wonderment.

    For a crafter this is an amazing time to be alive. To see all these ancient recipes reborn is invigorating.

    I have a batch of Kriek in a brandy cask currently with ~ 8 months on cellar.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Not an important part of my life at all. I rarely drink alcohol.
  • Meticulous_Nails
    Meticulous_Nails Posts: 69 Member
    Oh great religion. I so look forward to religious chat on a thread about an unrelated subject. I shall go to church and interrupted proceedings to chat about alcohol.

    Hmm odd because i thought this is a thread about the importance of alcohol in ones life. hmmmm You go into a church and do that since being rude seems to be your thing ;)
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I don't normally drink, less so now that I have to keep track of what I'm drinking (stupid orange juice). I do like eating my booze. I have rum balls and brandy beans waiting for me on Xmas day. I guess I got my drinking out of my system when I hit 22. That, and my friends that drank left the state. :tongue:

    I have heard a glass of wine a day is good for the heart.
  • jaedwa1
    jaedwa1 Posts: 114 Member
    edited December 2016
    I come from a family of beer drinkers, so yes, alcohol is part of my life. But the last few years, the beer calories have caught up to me in a huge way. Since October I've cut back but still fit in a night or two per week where I have a few pints...just not eight...:) I've even taken to drinking herbal tea during weekly card games with my people. I'm hoping this habit forms before baseball season starts and beer combo is the BEST!
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Drinking less which just means I want to drink better quality stuff. If I'm having a beer, it can't be the swill (Bud light) my buddies drink. Give me a Guinness or the like. Scotch, I like Belvenies. Local distillery makes a good gin that goes well with diet tonic. And wine. My dad makes more than he drinks (he just likes making it) and I get enough to keep me going.

    All logged and within my calorie limits. But I'm not going without alcohol.
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Socially, yes, alcohol is a very important part of my life. The husband and I initially bonded over wine and beer. I've got a wine dinner scheduled with friends this week. I've got some social anxiety, so I relax and engage more at parties when I've got a glass of wine in hand.

    I don't think it's beneficial or healthy to drink as frequently as I do. Having more than one drink a day increases a woman's risk of getting breast cancer, and I usually have two, sometimes three, 5 days a week. I already have family history of breast cancer and probably don't need to be putting myself at further risk. Alcohol rarely has a positive impact on my sleep; it's usually neutral or negative. It doesn't help with my weight maintenance or my workouts.

    From a physical health standpoint, I'd be better off without alcohol. From a life-enjoyment perspective, well... I really love the taste of wine, and seeing my friends while sipping on wine, and snuggling up to my husband while sharing a bottle of wine, and planning a lavish meal around a special bottle of wine, and traveling to wineries around the world and getting to know the people who are passionate about making wine. It's not a part of my life I'm willing to cut out right now.
  • TerryMyfitbitsnbobs
    Drinking less which just means I want to drink better quality stuff. If I'm having a beer, it can't be the swill (Bud light) my buddies drink. Give me a Guinness or the like. Scotch, I like Belvenies. Local distillery makes a good gin that goes well with diet tonic. And wine. My dad makes more than he drinks (he just likes making it) and I get enough to keep me going.

    All logged and within my calorie limits. But I'm not going without alcohol.

    Absolutely my sentiments too my friend. Why drink a beer that does nothing for you. If you are going to drink a beer or two, and I could rant on for hours why you should, drink a thing of beauty. Don't degrade and defile yourself with indoctrination corporation mass-production rubbish. Those calories are an expensive commodity to the dieter. Spend them on something you'll treasure. Spend then on an experience you'll remember, rather than a night you'll forget.
  • UK92
    UK92 Posts: 53 Member
    Not for me. Had my fair share of parties at university and eventually got bored of it :) Was never a huge fan of the taste, I prefer tea.
  • Karb_Kween
    Karb_Kween Posts: 2,681 Member
    Oh great religion. I so look forward to religious chat on a thread about an unrelated subject. I shall go to church and interrupted proceedings to chat about alcohol.

    Wow! You're a *kitten*!

    Its his thread
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I like beer.
    It makes me a jolly good fellow.

    Had my issues with alcoholism back in college but cleared that and understand how drinking is not important, but a choice.