New strategies/goals for 2017? Please share!! :)

With 2016 coming to an end, do any of you have new strategies and/or goals for 2017 to help you reach your goal(s) in the new year? I was successful at losing 20 pounds this year but not yet reaching my goal weight. Those last 10 pounds are brutal to shed.

So anyways, I would like to hear from those who were successful, not successful, newbies or veterans.

I will start off with a few of mine:

1. Love my body through every stage it's in.
2. Balance fitness/health with "life" (i.e. not missing out on a social event bc I'm afraid of eating junk or drinking booze.) Everything in moderation, right?
3. Drink a gallon of H2O/day. (Started doing this last month!)
4. Get into the mentality that this is a journey not a race. (i.e. just bc I didn't reach my goal weight this year doesn't mean I wasn't successful this year. Heck, I lost 20 pounds off my small 5'3 frame.



  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    I was 4 stone overweight when I started, so that's 56lb. I've lost 1 stone 9 this year and am levelling off as Christmas gets closer (I'll be in maintenance over the holidays). Next year I plan to lose the rest of it and get into the upper end of the "healthy" weight range.
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    New goals for me aren't based on the date, but they just about coincide with it.

    1. Lose the excess belly fat and see what my abs look like.
    2. Develop core as possible.
    3. By years end, be able to lower myself into and raise myself out of an iron cross. It would be the first time in 30+ years. :)
  • TheMeghann
    TheMeghann Posts: 1 Member
    I want to have a BMI of 19-20 (currently 26), and I want to get a breast reduction.
  • iris2811
    iris2811 Posts: 124 Member
    OK it sounds a bit lame but - I have gained and lost approx 15 lb every year for for the last 4 or so ....the real killer for me is that i get to the said upper point just before or during summer when its most visible. it's annoyed me so much now that my new upper limit is going to be 5lb rather than the 15lb and to start logging the moment the upper limit is reached, no excuses! I have had it with looking my best in February!
    also whilst I truly love cycling i have done hardly any (for my standards) this year - so i will find a goal (a long ride or a event) that is at the end of summer as i hate not being prepared/fit for something like that and will train :-)
  • Pinkprincess780
    Pinkprincess780 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for making me think about my goals. I haven't established any goals else than losing weight. So here it is for 2017:

    1-Eat healthy and reach my calorie goal "almost" everyday. (I can have 1 cheat day per week-end)
    2-No alcohol during the week (unless exceptions)
    3-Get educated on fitness and weight loss. (without being fooled by internet)
    4-Fit in that super expensive glamourous red BEBE dress that I bought a size smaller thinking I would eventually fit in it...
    5-Inspire my boyfriend to start working out.
    6-Have nice toned arms with muscle showing
    7-Feel good wearing a bikini
    8-Beat my 2500km in 5 months biking record
    9-Improve my balance
    10-Be more flexible
  • ddeliciosa
    ddeliciosa Posts: 168 Member
    1. I want to work towards losing 20 pounds by March 1st.
    2. Begin strength training and incorporate exercise into my everyday activity.
    3. If (or WHEN) I reach my ultimate goal weight, I'd like to get a new tattoo.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    1. Complete my 4 marathons (and maybe some halfs thrown in for good measure ;) )
    2. Commit to three lifting days per week
    3. Begin training for an ultra in 2018
  • nspink22
    nspink22 Posts: 83 Member
    This is a great thread! I am looking to lose about 20 lbs that I can't seem to get rid of. Here are some of my goals:

    1. Work on having a healthier relationship with food. Right now, I tend to be an emotional eater and am always thinking about food.

    2. Get into a more consistent weight lifting routine.

    3. Get into good shape for my sister's wedding in September.

    I am always looking for motivated friends, so please feel free to add me!
  • ShammersPink
    ShammersPink Posts: 215 Member
    1. Carry on with the diet for another ~2 BMI units (From 24-22, which suits me well).
    2. Start running and cycling again regularly. Keep walking.
    3. Swim (I only really want to do this in the winter months, summer I prefer to be outside all day).
    4. Try to find some form of resistance exercise that fits my lifestyle, and that I can tolerate enough to make it a regular habit.
    5. Be active throughout the summer months and maintain a healthy weight (I usually find this is doable).
    6. Bear in mind that my activity level will reduce again in winter and that my calorie intake needs to reduce accordingly (I sometimes trip up here).
    7. Be wary that injury or illness could derail me by making me less active, so again, my intake would need to reduce. That has been a frequent trigger for weight gain for me.
    8. Don't fall into sloppy food habits. Shop sensibly.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    Lost 15 of my 30 lbs in frustrated, quit logging, and gained it all back
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 798 Member
    MFP cut me off -ride my exercise bike 3 days/week -eat at or below maintenance of my goal weight (115ish) as often as possible -stop feeling like a slip up means I ruined my life and am doomed to be overweight forever...make the next right choice -only planned "cheats"
  • zeldon919
    zeldon919 Posts: 118 Member
    While weight loss is my over arching goal, I'm trying to focus on the healthy lifestyle that will get me there instead of a specific #. That being said, my fitness weight loss related goals are:

    1. Continue eating healthily and mindfully. I live my life and try to make good choices, and eventually those are just your defaults. Tracking simply helps me be mindful and make good choices.

    2. Adopt a regular gym habit. I went for the first time today, and it's really just about building a fitness habit right now. 30min, 3x week.

    3. I work at the top of a steep hill - I'd like to be able to walk up it without it being a thing. Right now I have to take breaks and I'm all the way winded by the top - it's embarrassing so I avoid it. Being able to walk up it normally would be just incredibly convenient. Think San Francisco, but not windy.

    4. ~20lb down by the end of May.

    5. More confidence in myself and my body. Summer is always rough for me, and I'm hoping that more confidence will help me enjoy it more. A big part of this will be being comfortable in summer appropriate clothing - shorts, tank tops - and maybe even a bathing suit in public.