Here's hoping


Just getting back to trying to get my weight under control after a long period of ill health, 16 years, where I haven't been able to do any exercise at all unfortunately.

I live in NE Thailand where it will be extremely difficult to get calories for a specific food as I eat the same food as my Thai family and most of that appears to be impossible to find an English name for. (using the Thai name is not gonna work either as it is all local names that change from area to area. lol) That being said I can control carbs and protein fairly well, but fat content may be an issue, as well as salt and sugar. Sugar is used quite liberally in the style of Thai cooking up here and although I have got a lot of it cut out some is still sneaking it's way in, in the hopes that I won't notice lol. Salt is in most of the base sauces used here and so very difficult to moderate.

I've got nicely back in to exercise, cycling, and have built up to a minimum of 65 minutes, moderate intensity according to the burn calculator here, a day. Generally I am doing more like 120 minutes + though. I notice that the calorie burn shown here for cycling seems to be almost double that of the other dedicated calculators though, so i will take the number with a pinch of salt I think.

Anyway. That's me.


  • zorander6
    zorander6 Posts: 2,713 Member
    Probably your best bet is to use the recipe builder (Under Food/Recipes) and get as close as you can to the measurements of what's put in. Use the Scotty rule if you have to guess (add 10% to what you think is there.) It won't be 100% accurate if you can't measure but should get you in a realm of closeness.
  • banpluak
    banpluak Posts: 11 Member
    I get what you mean there and portion control is a slight issue, but my main problem is getting calories/gram of a food as I honestly don't think red tree ant eggs are covered. Yes i am serious at the right time of year. lol
  • zorander6
    zorander6 Posts: 2,713 Member
    edited December 2016
    The result of the analysis of Red Ant Eggs from the Ministry of Health of Thailand stated that in one hundred grams of Red Ant Eggs are:

    – carbohydrates 4.3gr
    – Protein 24.1g (counting from the wet ingredients, if you want to know the dry matter content correction with moisture content)
    – fat 42.2gr
    – The water content of 22%
    – fiber 4.6gr
    – Abu 2.8mg
    – calcium 40mg
    – phosphorus 230mg
    – iron 10.4mg
    – Vit A, 710 IU
    – B1 0.22 MG
    – B2 1.13 MG
    – Niacin 5.7 mg
    The source was from here but I'm not sure if it's accurate.
  • banpluak
    banpluak Posts: 11 Member
    Smart *kitten*. :D

    I have to say I am very surprised by that. lol (and that I hadn't even looked for it as well.)

    Having lived here for some years now I would be very surprised if that was accurate but it's better than I have now. Considering that the same ministry is talking about decriminalizing Meth Amphetamine on the grounds that they consider it healthier than alcohol, I tend to take anything released by government as suspect. lol.

    Thank you for the link as well. I must do more research when I can find the actual English language names of many of the foods I eat here.
  • zorander6
    zorander6 Posts: 2,713 Member
    edited December 2016

    You'll have to do some work since they aren't "americanized" foods. I can't say you will be able to search for all of them and you may have to guess. If you know the carbs and protiens there are ways to calculate calories from that as well. It's just going to have to be something you do as you add items unfortunately.