Interval Training - track as a walk or a run?


I recently started the NHS' Couch 2 5K program and it's intervals of running and walking. I use a Mistfit Speedo Shine to track my excersises but I feel that when I track it as a walk it's not a fair reflection of the activity but nor is running. How have others got around this?



  • dtb2greenville
    dtb2greenville Posts: 6 Member
    your type of device does not record Heart Rate. It is guessing at your effort based on the speed of your arm motion while you are wearing it. So if your arm is moving at about the same rate in both states of activity then it is giving you similar values for both your running and walking.

    So when it is time to run, run hard!, use your arms! and recover during your walk. That should help your device be more accurate. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable feeling of stressing your cardio system.

    Good Luck
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member

    I recently started the NHS' Couch 2 5K program and it's intervals of running and walking. I use a Mistfit Speedo Shine to track my excersises but I feel that when I track it as a walk it's not a fair reflection of the activity but nor is running. How have others got around this?


    Just log it as a walk, or as a run. The difference isn't massive in the grand scheme of things.

    In practice for the first half of the plan a walk is close, and the latter half logging as a run will be a bit closer.

    No need to over think it
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    your type of device does not record Heart Rate.

    Which really isn't relevant to the situation.
    So when it is time to run, run hard!

    I take it you're not a runner?

    Essentially, the originator should ignore your advice.
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    I did that program a few years back to try and adjust my running pace, I always logged it as a walk until the running became more than 60% or so of the workout for that day. Like meandering said, it's not a huge difference in the scheme of things. Good for you though, good luck!! :)
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited December 2016
    Log as a fast walk until you get to more than 50% (or 60%) running. Worst case is that you'll get a little bit of bonus burn.