Last year vs. This year

LenGray Posts: 842 Member
Today, it really hit me how much I've changed in the past year and especially in the two years that I've been focusing on my wellness.

I was cooking. I had oatmeal in one pot, some ground beef in another, and was sauteing some veggies+cooking an egg. And it just hit me, I couldn't have done this last year. Last year my fridge was full of takeout containers and I ate maybe one salad a week. This year, my fridge is full of homemade goodies, from quesadillas to soups and casseroles. I buy and eat a bag of salad each week.

Last year, I wasn't confident enough to make friends or stand up for myself. Even thinking about it made me have a panic attack. This year, I've done both of those things regularly.

Last year on this day, I was 4 lbs heavier than I am now. Not a huge difference, granted, but that 4 lbs heavier was my lightest weight back then.

Last year, I injured myself pretty regularly by trying to do too much, too soon when it came to exercise and diet. This year, I am able to look at both of those things with a calm perspective and make adjustments depending on what my body needs.

Last year, I avoided relationships because I was scared that I'd mess up my life doing whatever they wanted me to do to 'earn' their love. This year, I've realized that I'm perfectly happy with my friends and family beside me, whether I'm in a relationship or not. I know that I would never endanger the life that I have together with them.

Last year, I was a very different me, someone who didn't believe in themselves and what they could accomplish. This year, I'm proud of the person that I've become and look forward to seeing who I'll be in the future.

What about you? What are the differences that you see in yourself from last year to this year?


  • shawneelaraye
    shawneelaraye Posts: 30 Member
    This is an awesome post about how much we change in just one year.
  • maybe1pe
    maybe1pe Posts: 529 Member
    Awesome post!!!

    hmmm some things that are different for me.... they aren't all happy.

    one of the biggest differences from this time last year to now for me is that I went from being happily married to very suddenly divorced.
    Went from purchasing a home together to living in that home by myself.
    I lost half my family (I was very close to my inlaws) and she took one of my dogs when she left.

    All of that totally sucked but honestly it's taught me a lot about myself.
    - I didn't get off track with my dieting. In fact it made me more determined.
    - I learned who my real friends were. It might not be many but those people have now stuck by me through my absolute worst.
    - I have grown and changed in so many ways. I'm more confident and more comfortable with being myself.
    - making friends/meeting new people used to give me such bad anxiety, and to an extent it still does, but I've had to learn to face it and cope with it because I don't have another person there to shield and buffer me.
    - I'm more financially independent - yes it was hard and yes I got a roommate to help with the house payments and stuff BUT her and I actually really get along and are developing a genuine friendship I NEVER WOULD HAVE EVEN KNOWN THIS PERSON IF THIS HADN'T ALL HAPPENED
    - I travel wayyyyyyy more!

    This time last year I was in a job I hated just because it was a job and now I have a job that I absolutely love. I love the work I do and I love the people I work with. I'm even making friends with them!!!!

    I'm much more social in general. I don't just get home from work and sit by myself. At least half the nights of the week I have plans to go out and do things with friends.

    Someone the other day said that I'm a happy person. Who me???? Not that I was unhappy before but I don't think anyone has ever said that to me before!

    I won't lie. 2016 was a super sh!tty year for me in a lot of ways but at the same time. It's been really great for me health wise and personal growth wise.
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