Pregnant and Using MyFitness Pal

Hello! I am pregnant with my third child (15 weeks) and wondering how I can adjust calories based on my new weight. At the moment I still stay around 1200-1500 calories and worry more about nutrition than calorie intake, but hoping there are other pregnant women on here who can hold me accountable and relate! I gained 50 lbs. with each pregnancy prior and lost all 50 after each child. Hoping to stay under 50 this time! I've been slacking on the exercise lately...


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    It's best to ask your doctor how much you should be eating, which will likely be more than 1200-1500 (at least maintenance, if not a slight surplus).
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I used MFP when pregnant with my second, but that was because I had gestational diabetes and I was tracking carbs and protein. A side effect was that I lost weight for 3 weeks straight and then maintained to the end of my pregnancy--I'd been on track to gain 45 lbs and I gained exactly 30 lbs.

    Since you're into your second trimester you should start gaining slightly going forward. Set your calories for 150-250/day above maintenance and you should have a slow, steady gain. Bump that up a bit more in the third trimester if possible. If you're at a normal BMI you'll want to gain 25-35 lbs or thereabouts during your pregnancy. If overweight or obese, 15-25 lbs. But confirm all this with your doctor - my medical advice is worth exactly as much as the medical degree I don't have ;).
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    I tracked what I ate during pregnancy #3, but did not restrict calories. I gained 30 with that one (as opposed to 70 with my first, and 50 with my second). I second the above not-a-doctor advice: eat maybe 250 above your maintenance for a slow weight gain (gaining weight while you're pregnant is okay, especially if you start out at a healthy weight!). If your profile pic is you just before you got pregnant, gaining weight is going to be healthier than maintaining.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    You should be eating at maintenance