

  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    Thank You so much !!!!!!

    This was all such amazing info.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    Always keep in mind what your deficit is.

    If you are set to lose half a pound a week, your deficit is 250 calories.

    If you're set to lose a pound a week, your deficit is 500 calories.

    For two pounds, it's 1000 calories.

    In each case, if you go over goal by that amount, you will be eating enough to maintain your current weight. To gain fat, you would have to go over goal by more than that.

    Relax. You're sweating the small stuff. It takes time to learn this, and everyone eats more than they mean to sometimes, even people who have been maintaining for years.

    Whatever the important function is, there is no way on this earth that anyone is going to notice that you're carrying a few pounds of water weight. Unless you're a jockey and it's a race meet, or a prizefighter trying to squeeze into a lower weight category. A few pounds here or there is just not visible.

  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    The more important point to ask is, why did you go over your calories 2 days in a row? Weight is loss is about consistently being in a calorie deficit.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,225 Member
    Have you thought about looking at your calories from a weekly perspective OP?

    If you do that, it is fine to be over some days, under other days, as long as you hit around the correct total for the week.

    Of course without going to silly extremes like eating thousands over 1 day, living on lettuce leaves for other 6. ;)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited December 2016
    technically if your other days were perfect and you ate at deficit for those, that deficit could cover the 1000 calories you ate, then no, you wont gain. Even if you did eat the rest of the days at maintenance those 1000 cals over for the week would equate to almost 1/3lb....
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I don't feel as bad anymore, I appreciate the help!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited December 2016
    You need to use a food scale for all your food and stop using '1 slice' '1 piece'... No more cups and spoons for solid foods...only the scale. Weigh everything that isn't a liquid including protein powder, bread slices, eggs (cracked without shell). Log everything you consume, even cooking oils.

    I noticed you do eat out a lot.. perhaps decrease the frequency of this and try to include more recipes made by you (use recipe builder).

    Some days you are under. You are male. Eat the 1600 calories.

    Thank You so much for checking out my Diary, from what you saw am i going to gain weight from these past two days?

    I do eat out often, but it's normally at the same places where i see exactly what's going in them and ensure there's no sugar or salt but i'm definitely going to slow down.

    So in your opinion, is it just water weight that i'll see in the next day or so?

    Thanks again so much!

    Perhaps some water weight, no actual fat.

    Just relax. I have my moments of going over, too. The important thing to do now is to learn from this and just get back into your normal routine tomorrow. Don't punish yourself, just move on. Relax. Weight loss is already pretty damn stressful as it is.

    By the way, there is absolutely nothing wrong with sugar or salt unless you have a medical condition. Heck, I have chocolate almost every day...I'd be a miserable ahole without it. :laugh:

    All that matters for weight loss is calories. Watch your protein, too...and take it easy. Enjoy yourself. Congratulate yourself. You've got this.


    You made my day, you cheered me up more than you can imagine. I felt terrible.

    Thank You so much, you really helped me a lot.

    Tomorrow, i'm going to go hard at the gym and eat light to balance this out.


    That would be one of the worst possible plans of attack.

    Rather: don't go to the gym at all, unless it's to walk on a treadmill for 20-30 minutes. If you work hard, you'll almost definitely retain water for the next couple of days, which is what you don't want.

    Drink plenty of water. As odd as it may sound, the more water you consume, the more you flush out.

    More than anything else, though? Stop stressing out about it.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I agree with those saying not to go drastically the other way. :) It is likely you'll still lose, or at least maintain, unless you overate by (give or take) 3500 calories. Even then, I've had weeks where I had to giant "eat days" for whatever reason, amassed thousands of calories over maintenance but had not gained when I weighed one week later.

    Any time I've tried to make up for overeating by working out madly and/or undereating severely under my normal calories allotment, I've either rebounded horribly and made matters worse, or wanted to, and sat there suffering. And in the end I didn't lose significantly more that way, and overall I have lost pretty consistently.
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Did you not know about the "important function" when you overate? Chances are nothing you do is going to matter in regards to the way you look in two days, that just seems absurd. Get over the fact that you overate and do the right thing from now on. To loose water weight I guess you could go sit in a sauna and sweat a bunch, but then your just gonna be dehydrated for your function. People who look amazing don't just starve 2 days before a function...it takes work and dedication and time.
  • jaysanchez4
    jaysanchez4 Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks for all your advice everyone, I'll just eat as I normally do today and stay under my calories. I went to the gym today, ran for 15 minutes and biked for 15 minutes but that's about it.

    I'll drink a lot of water and won't overeat,

    Thank You everyone!