Trying to lose baby weight!

Suksabai Posts: 10
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I had my firstborn, a son, 3 months ago and I hit 40 shortly afterwards! Trying to lose weight and find time to exercise is not easy with a small baby around! Any tips would be appreciated and I'd love to link up with any other new mums out there...



  • leix
    leix Posts: 176

    Congrats on birth of your LO :)
    Im mum of 2, youngest is coming upto 7months old. Oldest is 2&half.
    Exercising with baby is very difficult, i would have struggled if this was my first to fit so much exercise in as i do, i find my oldest tends keep her happy while i exercise so really an added bonus here.
    If, shes not around (As days she goes out with her nan) i'll just put my youngest into bouncer or activity centre she happily plays. I know not all babies are like this though.

    Im sure there is exercises out there which involved your baby in a carrier?

    Best of luck.
  • ellerigby
    ellerigby Posts: 6 Member
    I found that I didn't end up loosing any pounds after, as I put so much pressure on myself to do so, that I kept yo-yoing, my advice is to make the small changes and stick to them, this way when you lose the pounds they will stay gone.
  • :smile: Congrats on the baby.. I also just had a son 3 mos ago.. my youngest.. My oldest is 2 1/2.. I found that walking while pushing the baby, or even squats holding the baby is a great workout.. I bought free weights but every once in a while(depending on the exercise) I use my son as added weight! Its a great way to bond and shed some calories while building up the muscle in your body. I made doing squats into a game.. hope it helps you!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I have 2 kids---11 months and 2 1/2---i HAVE to wake up early to get a workout in....I wake up before they get up, go to the gym and then come home to shower just in time for them to wake up...I also go for walks/jogs with them every morning and during nap time I do a workout video. The video is only 20 minutes long--but a super good workout.

    Congrats on your new addition! :)
  • sunnysashka
    sunnysashka Posts: 296
    I have joined theYMCA when my son was 3 month old. They have a day care for 2 hours for members. Did Zumba for 1 hour then took uninterrupted shower! The best investment I've ever made!:smile:
    Still a memeber of the Y. I have become a Zumba instructor now :glasses: (my son is 18 month old now)
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