Dogs and Running

I just recently started bringing one of my dogs on runs with me. His name is Artoo and he is a black and white border collie about three years old. I'm only just getting back into running so we are starting out small together 1/2 miles right now.

Mostly I just want to hear from others that run with their dogs! Tips and pictures are extra welcome. Also if you just give an idea of what kind of dog you have and how far you run together that would be fun!



  • Ryokat
    Ryokat Posts: 168 Member
    I have been running with my 11 year old tri-colour border collie Echo. Our last run was 3 miles. I think we're done for the winter season though, or at least until the streets are no longer snowy/icy.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    @Ryokat she is beautiful! Running at 11 years?! That's great, I hope Artoo is that healthy when he gets to that age! Have you always ran with her or is it a recent thing?
  • DublinDietitian
    DublinDietitian Posts: 14 Member
    edited December 2016
    Your pups are so pretty, @WickAndArtoo and @Ryokat !

    This is my "boonie dog," Kodama. She's a total mutt - wandered out of the jungle behind our house and refused to leave. She adopted us!

    My favorite hike with her is to the top of the "mountain" - about 45 minutes up with gorgeous views of the island! She's so great about getting her leash on -- I pat our porch railing and she props her front feet right on up and eagerly awaits the leash that she knows means "IT'S WALKING TIME!" :smiley:yv1q7ygxjjaz.jpg
  • Ryokat
    Ryokat Posts: 168 Member
    Us running together is relatively new, but she is not new to running. I used to take her on bike rides using an awesome attachment called the bike tow leash, she got to run a lot faster then! Now she has to run at my snail pace, I don't even think she gets tired, lol!
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    Ryokat wrote: »
    Us running together is relatively new, but she is not new to running. I used to take her on bike rides using an awesome attachment called the bike tow leash, she got to run a lot faster then! Now she has to run at my snail pace, I don't even think she gets tired, lol!

    This is why I only now started running with Artoo, I felt bad because he is SO fast. In fact my fastest " run" right now is a swift walk for him haha! But I figured I got to get him used to going slow next to me eventually if we are ever going to run together so I finally just went for it. He did pretty well all things considered! No serious pulling or anything. Artoo never gets tired no matter what so I knew that going into it. When you rode your bike with echo did she ever accidentally cut in front of the bike?
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    @QuestingKate Kodama has the best smile going on there!! She is gorgeous :) I love that she adopted you. We love to hike too, that's what we have always done before now but hopefully we can transition into trail running instead. Artoo was a stray in the GA boonies! We adopted him from a rescue, but apparently he had been a stray out in the wild for his his first few years, some lady just fed a bunch of free roamers in her back yard, but it became to be a problem... because they weren't fixed, so the rescue started catching them and adopting them out.
  • Ryokat
    Ryokat Posts: 168 Member
    edited December 2016
    When you rode your bike with echo did she ever accidentally cut in front of the bike?
    No, the bike attachment I have-- the bike tow leash (sorry, I don't know how to post links) is designed so that dogs can't reach either tire, and also can't pull you over if they lunge.There are a lot of different attachments for bikes for running with dogs, but when I was researching them, it looked like the bike tow leash was the safest and most idiot-proof one.
  • ajaysharma316
    ajaysharma316 Posts: 104 Member
    When I started my fitness journey way back in March, I use to take my Dog Zero for run every day for 3 kms. He is a biege coloured Labradour. Its always fun to jog with him. Now as I had to shift to a Gym training sessions, our jogs has been cut short to evening strolls.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    @Asher_Ethan haha I have an Aussie that is too big of a pain to run with, he barks at other dogs so all of his walking sessions are actually training sessions... he was SUPPOSED to be my running partner, but that never really worked out since he has special needs! Hopefully someday :) I'm glad your boy is at least well behaved when he gets to run! Also, is that an Australian shepherd or Austrian that you have? I reread it and realized it said Austrian...mines Australian which is what I thought it said originally.
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    @Ryokat oh okay that sounds cool!
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    I was fostering a 9 year old mutt for a while, he was brilliant for running with, well, most of the time I was running and he was barely trotting. He could go for miles. But the problem was, he'd be perfect for ages, just trotting along at the side of me and then he'd either stop dead to suddenly pee or sniff something or just randomly cut across me, tripping me up. I swear that dog knew exactly what he was doing, he had a great sense of humour!!
  • dogsarebears
    dogsarebears Posts: 85 Member
    @Ryokat can you post a link to the type of bike attachment you use? It sounds awesome
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Bike tow leash.

    My boss swears by this too.
  • genpopadopolous
    genpopadopolous Posts: 411 Member
    I can't figure out how to add a picture! Argh!

    I have an almost year old pointer/whippet mix who kicks my butt every day. I used to try to keep her to 2-3 miles because she was a puppy but she would come home and run crazy dog laps in the yard, so now she just does what I do. My longest run is 6.5 miles and she just trots right along with me.

    I need one of those bike things! She would love to go faster.

    No real tips, but we don't go far or fast enough yo need any extra gear. Some music, her leash, and a couple poop bags and we are good to go!
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    @SLLeask lol my friend used to ride her bike with her dog until one day he just stopped mid run to poop and she wrecked :)
  • spzjlb
    spzjlb Posts: 599 Member
    I had a huge Aussie that I ran with, but as much as he loved cold, blustery weather, he could not tolerate anything remotely warm. Fortunately for him, I live in Québec! Once when we was about 10 yrs old, we were running in summer and he just stopped, lay down and could hardly walk. He recovered - he was dehydrated - but we kept it to daily hikes in the forest afterwards. So be attentive because your dog will do anything to make you happy, even if he's not feeling great. Also, they age faster than us. Simply be aware.

    My big Aussi died this summer of old age and just last night we adopted a 6-yr old lab cross. I think she'll be a good runner based on our winter hike this morning. The timing of this post is perfect!
  • WickAndArtoo
    WickAndArtoo Posts: 773 Member
    @spzjlb I am so sorry for your loss, it sounds like he had a long wonderful life with you.

    Thank you so much for touching on the risks, Artoo is totally the kind of dog that would just do anything to please us so I definitely have to be careful. He handles he great but that's almost more worrisome because it's harder to tell when it's too much.

    That is so exciting you adopted a new family member!! She is going to have so much fun running and hiking with you :) rescuing is so much fun.

    Also: our Aussie Wick is also huge. He is a total goofball. He has this thick long black fur so he also loves the freezing temps and snow! They are really special dogs, yours must be missed dearly.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    @Asher_Ethan haha I have an Aussie that is too big of a pain to run with, he barks at other dogs so all of his walking sessions are actually training sessions... he was SUPPOSED to be my running partner, but that never really worked out since he has special needs! Hopefully someday :) I'm glad your boy is at least well behaved when he gets to run! Also, is that an Australian shepherd or Austrian that you have? I reread it and realized it said Austrian...mines Australian which is what I thought it said originally.

    Australian Shepard is correct, stupid auto correct. How did you find out your aussie had special needs? My boy will bark at other dogs and be real annoying when he hasn't had a run in awhile because of all his pent up energy.
    I hope you can run with your aussie soon!