
Hi! The name is Christa. I have decided to get my life back. What I mean by that is healthier eating habits and lots more exercise! I am dedicating my journey to my best friend who I lost earlier this year to a drunk driver. She was an amazing woman with a heart of gold. The last thing I remember was her visit before the accident and how she was telling me she had quit smoking and was going to the gym and how we needed to go together sometime. She proceeded to tell me all the things she was doing to get her life back on track and how she just wanted to be healthy. She looked amazing! I remember her telling me she was just a few lbs away from 200 and that she don't think she'll ever see 200 lbs. My heart sinks to know she never reached her goal because her life was taken at 44 yrs old. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her and how she wanted so badly to see me get healthy right along with her, so here's to you Steph, I'm giving it my all for you! Rest in Peace my dear friend...until we meet again.
So that's my story and any and all support is welcomed!!! #slimmingdownforSteph


  • DublinDietitian
    DublinDietitian Posts: 14 Member
    What a moving story <3 Sometimes, doing it for someone else helps keep us inspired :) Feel free to Friend me and we can chat and encourage each other! I'm creating my own "Desk Warrior" plan for 2017 ;-) (too much sitting! Time to kick some butt!)