Seasons Greetings

Hello all!

I am Justinus, I have been a free member for a long time. When I first began my journey I took it very seriously and actually lost a lot of weight and was nearing my goal of 190lbs at the time. sadly, I became confident in my habits and became to relaxed and fell into the trap many fall into... " I can give myself a break I've lost the weight I'll work harder the next day." Well the next day the same excuses came to bear and before i knew it I was nearing my starting weight again. Current I am almost 20 pounds heavier than the weight I originally started. I went to have my annual physical done, I have put on 60 pounds since march 2015. I am morbidly obese! When I look in the mirror I don't see it, but pictures of me it is definitely there. I didn't realize how bad it was getting. I have attempted to do better however, I have a self control issue and if the food is in front of me I will eventually eat it. I know, I know I am weak!!!! ughhhh I wish I could get over this need to consume for the sake of consuming. I fill most of my time with activities such as volunteering, exercising, and work, but food finds it ways in through offerings from coworkers friends and acquaintances. This is something I need to work on, I know I can do it! Anyway if you have the same struggles as I do, or are new, or just want to add a new friend... Add me! I'd love to get to know some of the fellow myfitnesspals on here and maybe share stories and strategies to be successful in all of our endeavors! Cheers!


  • Marieyeyeam
    Marieyeyeam Posts: 103 Member
    Welcome back! Whenever u feel ur slipping just remember u have done it before and I'm sure u'll definitely conquer it this time too. If ppl keep tempting u at parties n dinners this season, figure out something that works for u. Like maybe if ur hands r occupied with tea or coffee they might stop insisting beyond ur "NO THANK YOUS." I wish I cud have a drone follow me around n every time it saw me holding food apart from programmed meal times it slapped it outta my hand. Plus this way maybe folks can't be hurt that I can't try just one cookie cuz its not me the robot did it. Lol that wud make things a lot simpler for me to handle.

    Good luck, we're all gonna make it to the finish line eventually just keep at it