Help! I can't stay committed

I've been really good most of my like keeping my weight stable. But for the last 4 months I've put on 20 lbs. I feel like I hit rock bottom. My energy level is so low. Had gone to the doctor and everything is fine. I'm really struggling to stick to a proper meal plan and getting myself back to the gym.

Amy suggestions?


  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Are you under more stress than usual? Are you getting enough sleep?

    It's also possible that you need a change of activity. If you usually lift weights, maybe take a class instead. Or vice versa. Start training for a 5k. Learn a new sport. Go for a hike or go skiing if the weather permits. Maybe find a fitness challenge that you can participate in and check in regularly. Ask a friend to be your exercise buddy, or join a group that walks or runs or bikes regularly.

    I find that on days when I don't want to exercise, if I get myself out the door or down to the basement with its TM, exercise bike, and VCR with exercise dvds, after 15 minutes or so I am glad I did and I enjoy my workout. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to do it, with the understanding that if it really sucks, you can stop after a time.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Are you under more stress than usual? Are you getting enough sleep?

    It's also possible that you need a change of activity. If you usually lift weights, maybe take a class instead. Or vice versa. Start training for a 5k. Learn a new sport. Go for a hike or go skiing if the weather permits. Maybe find a fitness challenge that you can participate in and check in regularly. Ask a friend to be your exercise buddy, or join a group that walks or runs or bikes regularly.

    I find that on days when I don't want to exercise, if I get myself out the door or down to the basement with its TM, exercise bike, and VCR with exercise dvds, after 15 minutes or so I am glad I did and I enjoy my workout. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to do it, with the understanding that if it really sucks, you can stop after a time.

    Really good advice here on activities. Being fit doesn't require going to the gym at all, particularly if you don't like the gym. Find an activity you not only tolerate, but one you enjoy.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    20 lbs gained over 4 months, or you gained 20 lbs a month every month for 4 months? Either is a significant weight gain in a short period of time that warrants concern, but the latter is very critical. I would suggest getting another doctor, and also looking into the possibility of another problem like depression. I really am amazed your doctor said everything was fine if you've put on that much weight that quickly.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    What happened four months ago that made you change the way you eat and move? Find that out and change it back or find another way that fits your current situation. Don't eat and exercise in a way that feels unnatural/too hard.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    My opinion is..,if you've put on that much weight in such a short time frame then something is going on. No judgement because I've gone through it myself, have to determine what fueled that be it stress/depression/boredom, ect and deal with it.

    After that, you'll probably have to start forcing yourself into a routine. Anything new is difficult. Changing habits is difficult. BUT...if you WANT to change and you commit to it, you can.
  • 2claisreal
    2claisreal Posts: 9 Member
    Would I be best off doing the induction phase of Atkins?
    I need something immediately
    I really hate I let myself go this big
    I've never been this overweight
    Yes I am very depressed over this
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Do you like low carb eating? I have had success with Atkins, but it wasn't sustainable for me because I like fruit and whole grains too much. If you enjoy low carb, then give it a try. Or just do a lower calorie way of eating that is part of MFP. Very low carb eating will cause you to drop a lot of water weight, which can be encouraging, but ultimately it still comes down to CICO. If doing induction reduces your calories enough, you will lose weight. But you can do the same without eating very low carb.
  • 2claisreal
    2claisreal Posts: 9 Member
    What if I cut out breads and pasta to start? Would that aid my weight loss quicker?
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    clamarrag wrote: »
    What if I cut out breads and pasta to start? Would that aid my weight loss quicker?

    For what its worth here is my opinion....Atkins does work, I think if you cut out pasta and breads you will lose. I've done it in the past. Here is the problems that I learned. You get tired of eating just proteins (meats, fish, poultry) A lot of veggies and fruits have carbs so you end up cutting a lot of that out of your day to stay in your allowed carb count. Eventually you start adding it all back little by little because you want and need those things in your diet, and then you go back to your old eating habits and soon your weight is back where you don't want it to be. Trust me I am an over-eater/sweet addicted person and have been for a long time. I am down 40 lbs now since September. I am counting calories in/calories out. For now I do not eat my calories back but many people do. I am older and sedentary so I take that into account. As many on this thread have already pointed out in the end its how many calories you eat and how many you burn. After many many years I am finally getting it. LOL
  • Low energy eh. Did they check your thyroid, do a nutrition panel, things like that? If not I recommend having those checked. When my thyroid was out of whack I was so tired. I barely had the will to brush my hair and there I was pregnant and chasing my 2 year old around all day. I had some serious brain fog also. Another time I found myself feeling exhausted I turned out to have a vitamin D deficiency. If you have not had these things checked then my advice is to do so.
  • 2claisreal
    2claisreal Posts: 9 Member
    Ok I'm over 160 calories over for the day
    I'm slowly getting there
    Starting to be more mindful
    Just need to get through the holidays
    So many functions and so much food!
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    clamarrag wrote: »
    Ok I'm over 160 calories over for the day
    I'm slowly getting there
    Starting to be more mindful
    Just need to get through the holidays
    So many functions and so much food!

    You can have the food. Just watch the portion sizes. Also avoid taking "second helpings".