C25K - Week 2

KarenWantsABikini Posts: 67
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone,

I have just finished C25K week one, and started on week 2 today.

I do it on my treadmill and use an Iphone app, and am totally addicted and cant wait till the next workout session.

I have read that a lot of people on here have completed it and now run marathons, and in the first week or so they were waiting for the minute of running to be over, panting and puffing, but now running heaps and heaps !! I cant wait to be there !!!

If there is anyone else out there in week 2 or similar, add me as a freind and we can keep eachother going.

Karen in Melbourne (Aussie)


  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Karen, Trust me it gets a lot easier. I'm not sure what week it was for me; it may have been week four. I had been struggling with my breath constantly watching the watch hoping my jogging time was up. Then, during that week, my breathing was so much better and then I new I would be able to run without the walking breaks. Keep it up it's worth it, good luck!
  • jrkingery
    jrkingery Posts: 107 Member
    I just finished week 6 and the last of the interval runs. Today was a 25 minute run with a 5 minute walk before and after. I managed to cover 3.13 miles, my first 5K (figuring in the distance I walked during the warmup and cool down).

    I was one of those that had a hard time starting with week two and actually repeated week 4 because the 5 minute run was tough at first.

    It gets easier, believe me!
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    Hey!! I just started week2 yday, and I use the app too.. Just sent you a request! :drinker:
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I am in week 3. The 3 minute intervals are rough for me. I keep persisting. I think I need to slow down the jog a little and I will be fine with the intervals.
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