Staying Motivated Is the Issue-Suggestions Needed

I've been on a weight loss goal by method of low carb for the past 58 days. I am starting to lose some motivation because I am dealing with a personal situation that is taking a lot out of me. I know when I took my vows it was in sickness and in health.. Thru the good and the bad. However, the issues that have been plagued in my relationship for years is coming to a head. I now know that this has played a significant role in why I am unable to lose the weight. I have to really think about what my next step will be in order for me to overcome this situation in my life. If I don't get this under control it will be hard for me to lose the weight because I am not solving what is at the root of my issue.

So I guess my question to myself is how am I going to do this? What am I going to do to change my situation? When will I do what is best for me in order for me to remain motivated to take better care of myself that will in turn help me with having a better life.

Any suggestions?

In need of some outsourced guidance!



  • Sira125
    Sira125 Posts: 152 Member
    You can only control you. If you are at a healthy weight you will feel better in general, which may help with everything else. Whatever you do, you need to do it thinking about the person you want to be. Take steps that move you in that direction.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    I really want to help. I've had more than my fair share of relationship issues, but I'm not sure how to help without knowing the situation more specifically. You can message me if you want to chat about it!
  • m0niqueee
    m0niqueee Posts: 84 Member
    I know it's hard but the only motivation that will help is from you you have to really want it for yourself
  • NewBelinda2018
    NewBelinda2018 Posts: 18 Member
    So.. I'm reading this post I created 1 1.2 year ago and it is sad to say I am still dealing with the same issue. Which means for me I havent done anything close to what I needed to do then and now. I am so on a spiritual and physical healing that its not that I want to ... it is because I have to and I seriously need to. So here I go yet again attempting to get my mind right to get motivated to start taking better care of myself.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I'm so sorry you're struggling.

    My only advice would be to try to pick a method that doesn't require much motivation. For me personally, I logged my food consistently, ate what I would normally eat, and made notes about how I did each day. Over time I learned that eating enough protein and fiber is what worked for me, so I stopped paying attention to anything other than calories, protein, fiber. I also prelogged my days when possible, it seemed to make me more likely to stay on plan. And I started taking walks. After a couple of months, prelogging, building my meals around protein and fiber, and taking walks were habits, and motivation wasn't nearly as important. For you, the specific focus will probably be different, but the method itself may work.

    Best of luck, hang in there :drinker:
  • NewBelinda2018
    NewBelinda2018 Posts: 18 Member
    @kimny72 .. You are right. I've been thinking on it today while working. I am putting to much emphasis on staying motivated and need to make changes slowly. I am truly at a point in my life where I absolutely know in my heart that I need to make some life changes! Thank you for the encouragement!