Pigging out at cookouts

Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Anyone else tend to eat too much at cookouts or other family/friend gatherings? Why is it that I can do well most any other time, but when it comes to lots of food like this (or sometimes and buffets), I eat way too much?


  • Raina0512
    Raina0512 Posts: 216
    I'm with you! I stopped counting calories after lunch yesterday, it was a disaster! That's the ONLY crappy thing about holidays.... THE FOOD! :)
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I definitely share this problem with you!! It is just the atmosphere of good food/good friends/family/good conversation. I (am trying) to sample what I want to eat, only cutting the portion size. Yesterday we went to friends' for a gathering and I cut down on what I ate all day. I was still over on calories after all was entered, but I didn't feel miserable!! I think it's important to give myself this freedom once in awhile. Happy 4th of July!!
  • I did the same thing. I just completed my food diary this morning from yesterday and was almost 1,000 calories over my daily goal because of yesterdays cookout! Holy Crap! I guess that the only way to get past it is to try to have an active and healthy eating day today. For that matter, most days should be active and healthy and only once in a while have a BAD-BBQ-DAY, it shouldn't hurt too much!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Find your will power and use it!
    We had a huge spread yesterday and I stayed under calories.
    You have to keep in mind your goal. I want to stay thin so I don't eat like that anymore. I know that I can't.
    Good luck. I have another BBQ today. I'm looking forward to being chatty cathy instead of eating!
    :flowerforyou: Steph
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    What I do is eat before I go! And Offer to bring a healthy soup or salad. Or veg and fruits and make lots so I know there will be stuff that you can pig out on and still be in my calorie limint. Or bring some with you if you are not requied to be anything. Also don't let anyone tell you why are you eating what we are eating because it is your goals and weight loss no one elses.

    Good Luck!
  • shafterone
    shafterone Posts: 5 Member
    I think that an occasional cheat meal is important, both to keep motivation up, and to enjoy some great food.
    But food should never become the main focus of a social gathering, that should always be your family friends or significant other.
    If you are obsessed with calorie counting all the time, you loose some of that ability to really enjoy it.
    That being said, snacking out on the healthier foods firstly and mostly, will give you the opportunity to have your cake and it it too.

    At least that's what I think:)
  • lukasmac
    lukasmac Posts: 216 Member
    One day/weekend will not kill you - just get back on track immediately after the festivities. Remember, being slim and fit is a lifestyle change, not a one off. So having a one off pig out won't hurt you.
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    I am blessed that everyone I know is aware of my life goals. We had a going away party to attend yesterday, and after I ate dinner I was over my calories by 228. However I did go to the gym and burnt 200, then I worked out on the wii and burned 31. When I finished my day I was under by 3!
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    I don't have any cookouts to attend this 4th so I'm not having to stress about possibly overindulging! However, my family gets together pretty frequently and there's always a ton of food from the second you get there to the second you leave. Before I just used to eat things that I enjoyed without caring about the calories or fat in them. Now I really assess what's on the table and what's going to be my best option. Sometimes, things aren't that healthy and I just pick the lesser of the evils. Recently at a BBQ I had a burger but opted for no bun and put it on a bed lettuce and tomato instead. Luckily there was a salad there which I could also fill up on. I love potato salad so I honestly only let myself take about 2 TBSP worth of it since I know it's the devil! I didn't partake in dessert but instead brought bunches of fresh plums and peaches for everyone. That satisfied my sweet tooth and a lot of my family went after them! I feel like it's kind of inevitable that family gatherings come with higher calorie content. I guess we should just be happy holidays aren't every weekend. Just get back on track asap and you can undo what you did pretty quick,
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    it's all about progress, not perfection. one meal, one day did not make you over wt. enjoy your favorites, cookouts, holidays, etc....in moderation. I find that if I don't have a favorite once in a while, I will binge. Just find balance and be mindful of your eating.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    I went to an Italian cookout yesterday. First thing yesterday I went to the gym and I had a healthy breakfast and lunch. If you know Italians, it's all about the food and lots of it. Mussels, clams, crabs, pork, italian bread, crab gravy with spaghetti, roasted peppers. So I brought a healthy coleslaw, shrimp and the mussels. I didn't log the food into my diary cause it was just impossible but this is what I ate over a 5 hour period. A few pieces of pick and peel shrimp, one whole crab, one slice of italian bread with a few roasted peppers, appproximately 1 cup of the crab gravy and pasta, one slice of italian bread with a few pieces of pork on it, a little bit of the coleslaw, one skinny cow ice cream sandwich and one gin and tonic. Haven't gone down stairs to weigh in yet but I also drank about 6 bottles of water. Hopefully I did ok. Today we are going to place for hamburgers and hot dogs, I'll try to do the same and make good choices. Tomorrow we have another cookout but it sounds like there will be healthier choices like chicken. come tuesday, I will be back on track 100%. You can only do the best you can!
  • I feel ya. Yesterday I pigged out and today eventhough I will be at a cookout I will try harder to not over do it and I will avoid sodas hopefully.
  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    YES It is sooo hard when I eat out anywhere! I went out yeseterday for lunch with my mom and aunt and pigged out, I felt ilke CRAP the rest of the day and even had diahrrea afterwards, nasty! I never learn though, I just do it again next time, ugh!
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I had a big lunch with family today. Just doing a few extra miles in the gym/track covered me. When we shopped for the cook out I had them get me some Turkey Bratwurst and everything would ahve been great if I had not eaten 1.5 big ol buns with them. The 2 Brats were 320 calories. THe 1.5 cobblestone wheat rolls were 330.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    Well, I did better today. I didn't get in any exercise, but I felt really funky this morning. We did have a long walk back to the car after the fireworks, and I was pushing over 50 pounds in a stroller (up hill part of the way). :smile:
  • genann
    genann Posts: 236
    Anyone else tend to eat too much at cookouts or other family/friend gatherings? Why is it that I can do well most any other time, but when it comes to lots of food like this (or sometimes and buffets), I eat way too much?

    You're difinately not alone! I did this just today at our July 4th family gathering. I think sometimes that we feel these holidays or family gatherings is just an excuse to eat anything we want to (My opinion only). Speaking for myself, I'll just start tomorrow off as a new day and get back to my losing weight.
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