Getting married in 6 months! Need help to stay accountable!

I'm getting married in 6 months and need to loose the weight! I think I need to loose about 15lbs but I'm not so concerned about my weight as I am my measurements. This is the first time I've actually seriously tried to loose weight. I've got my gym membership. But I lack motivation. I'm looking for someone to keep me accountable. I would like us to cheer each other on. Share struggles. And share tips!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    have you ordered your dress yet? isn't that motivation enough?
  • Becky_be_bold749
    My dress doesn't speak to me
  • musclesandmusic866
    musclesandmusic866 Posts: 1,396 Member
    Don't do it!
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Choose a mild to moderate rate of loss- the 0.5 pound per week rate is usually good for people with only a small amount to lose, or maybe 1 lpound per week, but no more. Follow your calories that myfitnesspal gives you, use a digital food scale to measure everything (they only cost about $20 and are extremely helpful). For exercise I personally think you'll like your results best if you do a combination of weight lifting and hiit cardio to promote the most body fat loss. A lot of women are scared to lift weights and just do long sessions on the elliptical or treadmill but that has a tendency to cause both fat loss and muscle loss so your final results aren't as good. Pay attention to your macronutrients too and make sure you're getting enough protein and fiber and not going too much over your sugar unless it's because of eating fruit.

    You have enough time to drop 10 to 20 pounds or so, so I think you are good. Congrats!