are you diligent about following macros or just calories?



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I follow macros, calories just fall into place after that.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    i dont know if I should really be series about following macros or just focus on sticking to a certain number of calories a day

    i'm 35 yo female, 5'0 at 130. i would like to drop 15 lbs. so eating at 1500 a day. does that seem ok? i dont want to go too low

    I lift heavy 3 days a week and run four miles 4-5 days a week(going to substitute 2 of those long runs for HIIT)

    With your workouts, you should definitely set your macros and try to stick to the fat and protein goals. (Use them as a minimum- going a bit over on these is a good thing. I'm assuming you mean 1500 + exercise? 1500 is good for sedentary... If you don't want to add exercise calories, I would go up to 1700 to start. Aim for at least 35g of fat, 85g of protein. (Or input 40/30/30 % and see what that gives you, if you prefer).
  • grumpadon
    grumpadon Posts: 24
    i just asked about macro percentages in food and nutrition. i track macros only and it is what broke my plateau. i'm sticking with what works. i do 40% 40% 20%. carbs, protein, fat

    If you've only been here this month, you haven't hit a plateau.
    [/quote i joined this place to help get me thru my plateau. i lost 7 pounds since joining. i lost 70 pounds before i joined.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I only pay attention to calories and how much sodium. I am at maintenance now :}
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    that's why I said "if."
  • grumpadon
    grumpadon Posts: 24
    i just asked about macro percentages in food and nutrition. i track macros only and it is what broke my plateau. i'm sticking with what works. i do 40% 40% 20%. carbs, protein, fat

    If you've only been here this month, you haven't hit a plateau.
    i lost the 7 since joining. i joined to help get me thru a 3 month long plateau. i lost 70 pounds before joining. sorry for the double post. puter problems
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It depends what you have your macros set at. The default settings for MFP are pretty lame. If you have a specific reason to hit certain macros then follow them, otherwise, calories in/calories out.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I like to get close on my macros. In order of importance are;

    Protein, Carbs and fats. I aim for 30g of fibre/day and I don't track things like sugar or sodium because.
  • andijean31
    andijean31 Posts: 139 Member
    I stick with monitoring calories and I make sure to go over my protein every day (I just feel better when I do). I'd like to eat less carbs, but if I go over, I'm not that concerned. I'm over my sugar consistently.
  • Donald_Dozier_50
    Donald_Dozier_50 Posts: 395 Member
    If I only had the 15 lbs. you have to lose, with the exercise you are doing, I would be more concerned with monitoring macros BUT I have a good bit to lose to get to that point. To me, that is more about maintaining. For now, for me, I have been all about calories and it has been successful BUT to maintain the goal weight, I will have to learn more about and follow the micros more closely.

    Good luck on your goals.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Both for me...but if you're new, focus primarily on your calories. Calories in/out for weight loss. Managing your macros will help you to get the proper nutrition and eat a balanced diet and also come into play when you're talking about certain training goals...but get your calories down first.
  • caly_man
    caly_man Posts: 281 Member
    2 fold answer

    1) i dont track macros, it's hard enough keeping track of calories, much less where they need to be coming from

    2) on the phone app, I can scroll and review what macros I've hit on past weekly eating and my scenario works out like this, no matter how I eat, I hover around 40/30/30

    i suppose if the macros were really wacky, I would do something about them
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Calories are most important to lose weight at all.
    Next comes protein to maintain muscle mass.
    Next is fat to maintain hormone production and other important bodily functions.
    Carbs come last. They are important for sustaining maximal performance in the gym (except for a few rare individuals allegedly).

    However you find that you end up sacrificing carbs because you don't really want to lower protein and fats too much for optimal body recomposition/health.

    ^ This.

    Edited to add: Oh, and also fibre. I aim for 14g/1000cals (about 33g/day)
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    Calories, then fat, sodium and cholesterol.
  • nytius
    nytius Posts: 173 Member
    Calories are most important to lose weight at all.
    Next comes protein to maintain muscle mass.
    Next is fat to maintain hormone production and other important bodily functions.
    Carbs come last. They are important for sustaining maximal performance in the gym (except for a few rare individuals allegedly).

    However you find that you end up sacrificing carbs because you don't really want to lower protein and fats too much for optimal body recomposition/health.

    ^ This.

    Two times ^This^. I also monitor fiber but that's mostly because I saw a dramatic difference in my skin when I increased it. Good Luck!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I focus on calories first, then protein, then finally let carbs and fat fall where they may. It works for me. But I find with the food choices I make carbs and fat are usually pretty well in line with my ratios without focusing specifically on them.

    What she said.I also keep an eye on choesterol.
    Works good for me as it went from "too high"to "great" in 3 mos.
    The med combined with healthy eating & exercise gets the credit.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Calories are most important to lose weight at all.
    Next comes protein to maintain muscle mass.
    Next is fat to maintain hormone production and other important bodily functions.
    Carbs come last. They are important for sustaining maximal performance in the gym (except for a few rare individuals allegedly).

    However you find that you end up sacrificing carbs because you don't really want to lower protein and fats too much for optimal body recomposition/health.

    ^ This.

    Two times ^This^. I also monitor fiber but that's mostly because I saw a dramatic difference in my skin when I increased it. Good Luck!

    ^ lol I just added fibre to my post too :D
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    My top ones to watch are calories first, calcium second (due to my mother and grandmother both having had osteoporosis), fats third (due to high cholesterol running in my family), and the rest as they fall. Though I am having to ensure sodium is a bit higher since I've dropped lots of fatty foods from my diet.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    I really try and watch my calories. Second, I try to make sure I eat enough protein. I'm in kidney failure and you lose a lot of protein during peritioneal dialysis. Likewise I have to work to keep my sodium low. I have to carefully watch two things that aren't typically tracked - potassium and phosphorous. I can't really process either. I gave into temptation once and ate two whole tomatoes and wound in the hospital with my potassium at a toxic level.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    Definitely macros. To me, I stay under calories, then fat & carbs & try to be over on protein & fiber. My body also reacts better if under sodium. Call it obsessive compulsive or whatever, but as I started to lose the weight I realized following macros this way works for ‘me’. I have lost 82 pounds with 48 on MFP. I have been on over 400 days & I have only had a handful of days whereby I went over. I try to just have a cheat meal or meal & dessert as cheating the entire day has only gotten me sick. I’ve logged every day including cheat days & holidays & usually do some type of activity to offset some of the difference. For me I credit my losses & being in maintenance for 9 months next week due to playing the macro game Now, it is just a part of my life & so worth it!