What's the Weirdest/Worst Christmas Gift You've Ever Received?



  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,212 MFP Moderator
    edited December 2016
    @Jenilla1 - I lol'd... I could share some truly... interesting MIL stories, but she's a great gifter so I won't share here... She'll be here on Sunday, and under the tree for her is a giant bottle of gin (among other things... some of which include a really soft blanket - and no I'm not trying to turn her into an indigent. I actually like her, in spite of herself).

    The gift that came to mind when I read the title was from my husband (who I still rib about it). One year he got me a sewing needle. That was it - the only thing under the tree for me was a sewing needle. I don't sew (or at least I don't like doing it if someone makes me). :lol: After that Christmas he's promised to either get me nothing OR put some actual thought into a gift. Either one is fine with me. Christmas in my house is more for the kids than the adults.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    The worst was when we went to my mother-in-law's for Christmas soon after my husband and I were married. To the casual observer, she seems like a nice lady, but there's something not quite right about that woman...

    Anyway, the favorite son got a new snowboard and a 4-wheel, off-road type vehicle. Big bucks were spent. The other one (my husband, who happens to be the product of her disastrous first marriage and whose presence serves as a reminder of the ex-husband she despises) got an 8-pack of cheap quality shop towels. I got a small gift bag with a candy cane, 3 mints (the individually wrapped kind that you get with the check at restaurants) and a tacky plastic Christmas ornament. I thanked her, of course. I'm polite like that. And when I turned the ornament over, it said, "Merry Christmas! Love, the Hollingsworth's" on the back. I don't know who the Hollingsworth's are, but I can guess that they're probably family friends of my mother-in-law. Probably not a good idea to regift without checking to see if there's some obvious proof - like a stranger's name - on the gift before you regift it. I didn't say a thing, just smirked a little, I think. If it's the thought that counts, I don't think she thinks too much of us...Personally, I would have been embarrassed to have such obvious disparity between my kids' gifts - especially when they were both opening them together in the same room in front of family. That takes a lot of balls!

    Now, my sister and I take turns regifting that infamous ornament back and forth to one another each year - it's been a tradition for at least 10 years now. And it's still one of my favorite Christmas stories. Everyone knows about it. Take that, mother-in-law!


    haha that's so awesome it's nice you can keep getting laughs from it.

    My mother in law gave me and my sister in law (who's now ex) a sweater set. Mine was two sizes too big because I'm taller than them all so I must wear xxlarge right? The sister in law and I DO NOT have the same taste at all so when I realized I had both of the gift receipts and offered one to the sister in law she was already wearing it and was like why would I return this it's beautiful. Ya mine sat in the closet for a year since the store she got it from wasn't anywhere near where I lived and then gave it to a charity. Someone must have enjoyed the nice cashmere taupe twinset
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    socks, but they were blue socks.
  • MsAmandaNJ
    MsAmandaNJ Posts: 1,248 Member
    I was about 9, got a pair of socks with a pair of earrings shoved inside. It's weird when you know your gift was shoplifted. We don't talk to that cousin anymore.
  • Hungry_Angler
    Hungry_Angler Posts: 175 Member
    My (now ex) husband got me a "Twilight" novel. I was pursuing a graduate degree in English literature at the time. It was really sad. He didn't know me at all at that point.

    So many thoughts, but primarily, "LOL".
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    A carton of cigarettes from an aunt. She knew I smoked at the time, but didn't know that my parents didn't know. That was a fun gift to open.
  • Karb_Kween
    Karb_Kween Posts: 2,681 Member
    edited December 2016
    jnichel wrote: »
    A carton of cigarettes from an aunt. She knew I smoked at the time, but didn't know that my parents didn't know. That was a fun gift to open.

    Were you a youngun?
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    My mother shops at yard sales for gifts so the list is quite large but the single oddest was a life sized cardboard cutout of Dick Yuengling. I don't drink Yuengling. I asked her why she got it for me and she said it was because he is holding a golf club and I like to golf.
  • mskimee
    mskimee Posts: 228 Member
    257_Lag wrote: »
    My mother shops at yard sales for gifts so the list is quite large but the single oddest was a life sized cardboard cutout of Dick Yuengling. I don't drink Yuengling. I asked her why she got it for me and she said it was because he is holding a golf club and I like to golf.

    Is your mom my mom??
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    My ex hubs was really horrible at gift giving. Like would call me from the mall on my birthday and ask what I wanted because he'd been shopping all day and couldn't figure out what to buy.

    Legit....one year I think on valentine's day he gave me a candy bar, some funny card, and a shower head. And not the good massaging kind. It was so random and weird.

    Lmao. I was just about to come in here and post that a few years back my husband gave me a shower head for Christmas and these super ugly puke green colored dishes. The shower head wasn't a special one.. it was just a normal old shower head. I wasn't ungrateful but inside I wanted to cry and scream. I made a joke about it and his response was "Well we needed a new shower head." I wanted to yell back "SO YOU EFFING GAVE ME ONE FOR CHRISTMAS WHEN WE WOULD HAVE JUST BOUGHT ONE ANYWAY????"
  • sbrandt37
    sbrandt37 Posts: 403 Member
    My brother and I both played instruments in our youth through early adulthood. I played guitar and he played recorder. When we were in our early 20s, our parents visited Vietnam. That Christmas, they gave me some small hand-painted glass bottles (sooo not my thing). They gave my brother a beautiful, handmade traditional Vietnamese stringed instrument with a note that said, "For the musician in the family." Seriously, WTF?
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    One of those MyPillows. I ended up being terribly allergic and the entire side of my face swelled up like a bee had stung me! LOL
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    _unsteady_ wrote: »
    For some people they would be happy to get what you guys are getting j/s

    It's not exactly about the things the've received as gifts but how inconsiderate the gift givers are, might've just skipped giving anything at all
  • dc8066
    dc8066 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Not a Christmas gift, but..One of my exes tried to give me bread as a gift. Three kinds of packaged bread, e.g. Hawaiian rolls, etc. and enough to feed a village for a week. I don't eat much bread and never buy the pre-bagged ones from the bread isle at the supermarket because they all smell stale. I was on the strict diet then too. It is possible that some people would be happy to receive bread as a gift, but I just couldn't take it home or throw away food. I can afford to buy my own groceries just fine so that was really weird plus I got yelled at for being ungrateful
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    When I was young, I mean really young....an aunt of mine gave me a huge box present. I was so excited to open it! Much to my surprise, inside was a box of tongue depressors, some gauze, a few bottles of baby oil, packets of Vaseline, some pamphlets from some places she had visited, and a small Canadian flag on a stick.

    She meant well... ;)

  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    dc6088 wrote: »
    _unsteady_ wrote: »
    For some people they would be happy to get what you guys are getting j/s

    It's not exactly about the things the've received as gifts but how inconsiderate the gift givers are, might've just skipped giving anything at all

    I don't think anyone giving gifts is inconsiderate....maybe they aren't good at gift giving, many people aren't. To me, they tried. True, they could have just skipped giving, but they were kind enough to think of the person, so no, not inconsiderate at all.
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    When I was kid I wanted a telescope really bad. I got a box of vch tapes of some old person show... I was like 12 or 13 so I wasn't thrilled at all. Apparently my gift got gifted to the old lady and I got hers and they decided to not correct the mess up. :'(
  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    I got the clap one year on Christmas, from someone, I had been married too, where did she get it from, had I been the only one she was sleeping with. ????? That was an awesome conversation with my doc