Hypothyroidism: did I cause this?



  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Just out of curiousity - did you do the Diet Foods Thign and eat a LOT of broccoli and kale? Especially a lot of RAW broccoli or kale? Have you been juicing kale? Have you been relying on cauliflower rice for your "starch?"

    Because cruciferous veggies (broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, bok choi, cabbage, collards, turnips, cauliflower, etc), , while very nutritious, are "goiterogenic," meaning that they interfere with thyroid hormone production. It is something that SHOULDN'T be a problem for most healthy people eating a balanced and varied diet, but some lose weight by eating a very NOT varied diet.