Riding the Weight Roller Coaster

When I got engaged in July 2010, I weighed 300 pounds.

When I got married in May 2011, I weighed 270 pounds.

When I moved to South Carolina in August 2011, I weighed 250 pounds.

When I moved to Texas in August 2012, I weighed 280 pounds.

When I moved back to SC in August 2013, I weighed 330 pounds! (I hated my job in Texas and self soothed with food) - This is when I started with MFP

When I moved to Indiana in September 2014, I weighed 300 pounds.

When I got pregnant in January 2015, I weighed 290 pounds.

When I gave birth in October 2015, I weighed 340 pounds. (All of this was gone 2 weeks post partum, believe it or not)

When my son turned 1 in October 2016, I weighed 300 pounds.

When I stepped on the scale today, it said 282.8 pounds.

I'm so tired of this roller coaster, and I feel like I'm getting to the point where I normally bounce back up... It being holiday time with all the food in the world around doesn't make it easier.

I would LOVE to see MFP say that I've lost "50 pounds so far" to start 2017, but almost 3 pounds in a little over a week filled with holiday eats just doesn't seem feasible, so I'm going to call it here, and be happy with my loss through the holiday season so far.

I am determined to stay focused with the exception of 2 meals over the next week, and not give up because I didn't lose, or maybe gained, during this week. It's going to be difficult, but I NEVER want to see that scale say 300 again. My goal for 2017, is to get *at least* down to 240, and claim my lowest weight in my adult life... And run a 5k. Barring major events (like another baby), I'd love to see 199 by the end of 2017.

I am looking for some friends that will still be around in March and April and beyond, and aren't just doing this for a little while because "losing weight" is the New Year's thing to do. If that's you, feel free to send me a friend request. :)


  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Feel free to add me. :)

    I've been on and off diets since I was 12. Finally have decided to stop dieting and actually make a sustainable lifestyle change.

    In college, I was at the very high end of a healthy weight range for my height and at times maybe 5 - 10 pounds overweight. Slowly, since then my weight has crept up until I was near an all time high at 214 lbs and only 5'5, which put me into class II obesity.

    I'm 197.8 lbs as of my last "official" weigh in and I'm trying to get to a healthy BMI so I'm trying to get at least to 150 lbs.

    Plan to be around for a very long time as I imagine I won't hit 150 any time soon and even then will reevaluate and probably stick around in maintenance.
  • charis458
    charis458 Posts: 20 Member
    I am also looking for serious friends. Even someone to check in with daily. I have very little support in my real life. I hit over 300 this year for the first time. Well I can never see it again and so far am managing to consistently drop, however, the holidays are hitting!
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Bumping this to see if any of the new members that started up for the new year can relate. :)