Getting Started... Again

In an attempt to find some accountability, I'm posting here! I have had a year off from taking care of me & I'm getting back on the wagon!

In 2012, I weighed an all time high: 180
I lost down to 158 in 2013.
At the end of 2013, I took charge of my health and lost down to 135 by spring of 2014.

I did amazingly well maintaining my weight until the fall of 2014. At that time, I opened an online commerce site and a local business specializing in primarily tshirts. I took a back burner to taking care of myself.

My weight slowly crept up to 163.6! I haven't been to the gym in at least 10 months. I'm not sure the last time I cooked. I just got so lost in the shuffle of work and being Mom.

2017 will be my year! I'm looking for tips, accountability, and encouragement!
