Beginner lifting and timing of meals/snacks

BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
I'm a SUPER amateur lifter. I lift "heavy" ~4 times/week but my #1 focus right now is reducing body fat, and I'm lifting primarily to increase strength and preserve LBM as much as possible while I do that.

My gym time is late at night most of the time - with a full time job and 2 tiny kids, after their bedtime is pretty much the only time I have left. I often hit the gym around 9pm and get home at 10:30pm or so. By the time I leave for the gym, I've usually already consumed the vast majority of my calories, and really have only room for a little snack if anything when I get home, plus I just don't really like to eat a ton that late at night. Typically, I'm NOT consuming a ton of protein after my gym sessions, even though I know that's recommended for muscle development.

For someone at my level, does that really matter that much? Should I carve out some calories for something protein-heavy after my workout, or am I good to go continuing on as-is for now?


  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Good news: It doesn't really matter when you eat.