Weighing and Measuring all areas of my life with a 12 Step program


My name is Gail. Coming back to My Fitness Pal for some years away. Still struggling. I rededicated myself because my diabetes is out of control along with my mood. My life is unmanageable and I have made a decision to work with a sponsor to guide me through the 12 steps of recovery and gain control over my home, relationships, finances, thoughts, food, health, and behavior by surrendering my life to my higher power which is the Holy Trinity (Jesus Christ, God, Holy Spirit).

I started a health coaching program through my job which offers free nutritional counseling, exercise coaching, and diabetes management.

I only weigh myself once a month as a part of my 12 step program so that I won't obsess about my weight, but rather focus on my daily goals which are eating weighed and measured meals, making outreach calls, reading support materials every morning and evening, writing in my journal before bed, praying every morning when I get out of bed to ask God for help getting through the day, and praying every evening before bed thanking God for helping me get through the day. Three times a week calling my sponsor at a scheduled time for 15 minutes for support and encouragement. I participate in three phone meetings every week to review support materials and share.

I use my fitness pal to journal my food and will update my exercise diary 3x per week, and record my weight once a month.


  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    The 12 steps are a fantastic tool. I honestly believe I would be in the ground were it not for them, and many years later, I still start every day with a prayer and end every day with a big Thank you.

    Hoping for all the best for you, in every area of your journey.