raw till four? ?



  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »

    You do know that brown eggs are simply laid by brown chickens ...

    Actually that's not true. Different breeds of chicken will lay different coloured eggs, but it is not contingent upon their own colouring.

    True ... but the colour of the egg has more to do with the breed of chicken than with perceived nutritional content.

    I don't buy brown eggs because I think they are healthier...I just truly like the color of them.

    Growing up we had brownish red chickens...they laid white eggs.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »

    You do know that brown eggs are simply laid by brown chickens ...

    Actually that's not true. Different breeds of chicken will lay different coloured eggs, but it is not contingent upon their own colouring.

    True ... but the colour of the egg has more to do with the breed of chicken than with perceived nutritional content.

    That's exactly what I said.
    Differences in nutritional value are negligible.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    @baristabeannz How much protein and fat are you getting eating like this?
  • baristabeannz
    baristabeannz Posts: 10 Member
    You are all so funny I admit watching someone eating fruit talking about their great life is alluring. I can't deny though that I feel my cleanest self eating raw. I feel happy and balanced and I don't get crashes. My diary today is 3 bananas. Fruit salad and a carrot juice. 3 bananas and cacao powder. Dinner I'll have 2 potato's and a sweet potato baked in the oven. About 1500 calories. I feel great and am not craving processed food. I hate weighing myself but I think in probably 55 or 58 kgs 165cm tall. I don't work out as I work in a cafe and move all the time. Has anyone tried raw till four or are you all assuming it's fad not a lifestyle?
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I am not currently raw but have done it a few times for extended time periods. I live in the mountains of Colorado and winter is no time to eat full raw. But I had the most success when I was eating a lot of greens...I mean a pound - 1 1/2 pounds a day. I am vegan and still try to get as many greens as I can, preferably raw. But looking at your night meal makes me think that you are eating a lot in one sitting for dinner. I would still incorporate raw veggies into your meal while adding some cooked. But I'm no expert, just from my own experience. Greens give you a lot of protein which you need if you're working out.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    You are all so funny I admit watching someone eating fruit talking about their great life is alluring. I can't deny though that I feel my cleanest self eating raw. I feel happy and balanced and I don't get crashes. My diary today is 3 bananas. Fruit salad and a carrot juice. 3 bananas and cacao powder. Dinner I'll have 2 potato's and a sweet potato baked in the oven. About 1500 calories. I feel great and am not craving processed food. I hate weighing myself but I think in probably 55 or 58 kgs 165cm tall. I don't work out as I work in a cafe and move all the time. Has anyone tried raw till four or are you all assuming it's fad not a lifestyle?

    you may feel fine now but with not much protein and very little healthy fats,Im sure eventually that will all change. we need healthy fats for hormones as other things. fats and proteins are important. you cant just eat one macro for any period of time,you are eating a very unbalanced diet to say the least.I dont see how it can be a lifestyle when its an unhealthy one at that. your body needs protein,carbs and fats,too low of one or a few will cause issues eventually.Im sure without enough fats you will eventually stop having that time of the month too if you dont already.but hey if you want to eat that way go ahead,but you will have to deal with any issues that will pop up.

    OP please pay attention to this post.

  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, your body NEEDS protein and fat. If you want to eat nothing but fruit during the day, I guess that's fine, but please try to get some protein and fat in your evening meal. Like I said, nuts seeds avocado lentils beans.

    No I haven't done raw til 4. I do eat raw produce every day because I believe it is an important part of a healthy diet. But based on the knowledge I have acquired over the years, I do not believe raw til 4 is necessary or more healthy than other ways of eating. I don't need to try something to know its value. I don't have to jump out of my second floor window to know I can't fly and it will hurt when I hit the ground.
  • baristabeannz
    baristabeannz Posts: 10 Member
    OK guys first of all animal protein leaks calcium from your bones! Animal dairy products are mainly consumed by USA Finland England and sweedon. The countries with the highest osteoporosis is USA England awesome and Finland. No one ever went to hospital because they lacked protein. Leafy greens fruit and veggies provide all the protein I need. Forty grams a day is easy to hit. Apes and chimpanzee are the closest animal I'm DNA and they don't eat anything but bananas greens seeds and nuts and there body strength is ten times greater than a man's. Let's not he stupid we are the only creatures that cook our food
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,082 Member
    Many countries other than England, Finland, Sweden and USA have people who consume dairy products.
    All of Europe in fact and any westernised countries like Australia and. New Zealand.

    Asian people not so much - since many more are genetically lactose intolerant.

    But nobody was saying you have to consume dairy or any animal products. But whether you do or don't, you still need adequate protein and fat in your diet.
    This can certainly be achieved on a vegetarian non-dairy diet - but not on what you are eating currently.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    OK guys first of all animal protein leaks calcium from your bones! Animal dairy products are mainly consumed by USA Finland England and sweedon. The countries with the highest osteoporosis is USA England awesome and Finland. No one ever went to hospital because they lacked protein. Leafy greens fruit and veggies provide all the protein I need. Forty grams a day is easy to hit. Apes and chimpanzee are the closest animal I'm DNA and they don't eat anything but bananas greens seeds and nuts and there body strength is ten times greater than a man's. Let's not he stupid we are the only creatures that cook our food

    Actually meat is an important part of a chimp's diet, from eggs to chicks to small reptiles to monkeys they eat meat products. Not cooked I'll give you that, but they definitely eat meat.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    OK guys first of all animal protein leaks calcium from your bones! Animal dairy products are mainly consumed by USA Finland England and sweedon. The countries with the highest osteoporosis is USA England awesome and Finland. No one ever went to hospital because they lacked protein. Leafy greens fruit and veggies provide all the protein I need. Forty grams a day is easy to hit. Apes and chimpanzee are the closest animal I'm DNA and they don't eat anything but bananas greens seeds and nuts and there body strength is ten times greater than a man's. Let's not he stupid we are the only creatures that cook our food

    In addition to all the points other people are making about the diets of apes (chimpanzees are apes, so I'm including them), you don't seem to be eating any seeds or nuts. And you don't give amounts of what you're eating, but the kale and greens in one typical smoothie and one large dinner salad will not make much of a dent even in your very low goal of 40 g/day (even by the U.S. gov't recommendations of .85/kg a day, which are often criticized by MFP'ers as inadequate for people in a deficit trying to preserve muscle mass, or anyone trying to build muscle, or older people, etc. etc.), you'd have to be pretty small for 40 g/day to be adequate.

    Also, it's called "raw till four." Are you eating your tea before four? Are you not eating anything after? "Raw till four" means you're supposed to have "regular" (cooked, including animal sources) after four. Are you trying to combine IF with "raw till four"?
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Also people have been hospitalized for low protein. Actually because of medical reasons my blood protein (albumin) was super low which caused huge problems including major edema.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    OK guys first of all animal protein leaks calcium from your bones! Animal dairy products are mainly consumed by USA Finland England and sweedon. The countries with the highest osteoporosis is USA England awesome and Finland. No one ever went to hospital because they lacked protein. Leafy greens fruit and veggies provide all the protein I need. Forty grams a day is easy to hit. Apes and chimpanzee are the closest animal I'm DNA and they don't eat anything but bananas greens seeds and nuts and there body strength is ten times greater than a man's. Let's not he stupid we are the only creatures that cook our food

    In addition to low albumin mentioned above, low protein is also associated with poorer outcomes related to healing after an injury. It's actually important enough that hospitals have changed post operative protocols. Protein is essential to healing. I would strongly suggest getting health advice from actual professionals rather than YouTube zealots.