Fitness Pals Wanted

"Oh, you're fine honey" ... great to hear from my mom when I crashed my bike 30 years ago, but not what I want to hear from my partner in life - I need to be pushed! So here I am looking for those like minded 30-40 year old individuals who maybe have the support, but lack that external push or positive, yet forceful redirection aka "the workout partner." While we may not workout together- we could hold each other accountable with food, suggest meals, or share relatable stresses or successes. Good luck to anyone reading this and hit me up if you are looking for a partner in crime. 2017 I'm ditchin the Dad-bod!


  • neelhtaky
    neelhtaky Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Mike, I'm only 26, but if you want an accountability and encouragement partner then please feel free to add me. I've only just begun - I'm about 2.5 weeks into using MyFitnessPal, but have already had some success. I am trying to learn more about what I eat and the nutrients involved (better food choices) and am trying to get fitter. I'm also after an encouragement/accountability partner.