I need motivation!

So I have started clean eating last week. On Monday to be exact. I lost 7 pounds from Monday to Monday. But I weighed myself today and have gained back 2 pounds. I am eating good and have added in exercise, so I don't understand why I am gaining weight. I am under my calorie goal everyday,. Advice? Motivation? Thanks.


  • mp_deep
    mp_deep Posts: 85 Member
    My advice, see this inspirational series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0zD1gj0pXk
    and dont worry: the results will come soon !!!
  • thisoneb
    thisoneb Posts: 4
    In my experience, you just need to wait and weight yourself only once a week at the same time because so many changes happen over the course of the week/day with water weight and what not. As long as you keep making good choices (be proud of yourself for that!) you will see results!
  • mp_deep
    mp_deep Posts: 85 Member
    I agree with thisnoneb. Stay focused on an objective and the results will soon arrive :)
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    7 lbs in a week is going to include some water weight. Plus, if you just added exercise, you are almost certainly retaining water and glycogen due to your body adjusting to the new activity. Weight loss isn't linear. Some weeks you will lose, some you won't move, and some you will gain. It happens. What matters is the overall trend. So long as your weight trend continues to be downward over time, an upward blip here and there don't matter. Don't let it get to you.