Taking Back My Happiness

My name is Laura. I'm a 33 year old mom of 2 amazing kids who has 4 more amazing kids come to my home every day to help pay the bills. I have been married to my husband for 7 years, in a relationship with him for 15. Thanks to chicken nuggets, three pregnancies, the loss of a child, and depression, I have packed on over 70lbs in 10 years. Thanks to some recent stresses in marital life (which we have been trying to work through) I've been forced to reevaluate my life. I have come to the conclusion that for far too long I have put others happiness above my own and now its time to take back my life and happiness no matter what the costs. Its time to start to take care of me first. I'm probally at the lowest point emotionally that I have ever been so I would appreciate any support and motivation I can get.


  • strangeone25
    strangeone25 Posts: 114 Member
    It is awesome that you are taking back your happiness. That will probably help your relationship as well. Don't be too hard on yourself having kids and dealing with the loss of one is challenging to say the very least. I have 4 kids so I know how busy kids can keep you ant taking time for yourself seems like the last thing you want to worry about. My kids are starting to leave the nest now (1 is married and the other getting married soon and another moving out in the fall) I am starting to feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. One of the things I wish I had done was take more time to take care of myself when they were younger...but hey better late than never. Hang in there you can do this. Friend request sent!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Just always keep in mind as you go forward, the emotional pain of being overweight is far worse than the temporary pain of working out.
  • I am so very sorry to hear about everything you have gone through. Life sure does have it's downer moments. I am DEFINITELY here to cheer you on and encourage you! Your happiness is EXTREMELY important, I know without a doubt you will reach your goal. Message me anytime you need some motivation! Wishing you the very best!

  • Hi Laura,

    You are taking a very important first step in the right direction. Everyone in your life will benefit from a much healthier you! I am turning 33 on the 27th as well. I have packed on 70 pounds also in the past 10 years. Part of it was due to a very stressful marriage that ended in divorce 5 years ago. I wish I could say I have lost it all since then, but I haven't. I love that you look at this journey as taking back your happiness! That's exactly how I feel about it. For too long, I have been avoiding social situations because I am embarrassed at how much weight I have gained. The way I feel about my physical appearance is affecting me emotionally, and it is time for this to stop. You can do it! If you need help staying motivated, feel free to add me as a friend! God bless!
