Anyone else need to lose 50+ lbs?



  • Jeaneti
    Jeaneti Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Babs! I've got 50+ lbs to lose and want to shed a cranky and negative attitude as well. I hope I can join your group! Thanks! Jeaneti
  • LittleMaid17
    LittleMaid17 Posts: 76 Member
    I need to loose 100lb ish (less to be at top end of my bmi) but want to loose 8st not 7st.
  • lmwatson211
    lmwatson211 Posts: 1 Member
    I need to lose 50 to 60 lbs...i lost 70 lbs 5 years ago...gained 35 back this past year...I'm ready to live again...I have too much good in my life now to let good take that for anyone to add me and do this together...
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • kfranks44857
    kfranks44857 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, I need to lose 50-60 lbs. Please add me. I've been overweight for years - ready to start losing it and get back to a better weight.
  • Babs2Baby
    Babs2Baby Posts: 87 Member
    I'm so happy about all these responses ! I no longer feel bad or alone about all of this, thank you so much.
  • ASAPStocky
    ASAPStocky Posts: 51 Member
    I'm shooting for a whole 100
  • tesslynnn
    tesslynnn Posts: 1 Member
    Looks like there are a lot of people 'in this boat' with you. It takes determination, in my opinion. It all starts with changing your mindset. KNOWING you can do it and WANTING to do it. You will succeed. I am right here with the rest of you. Just trying to work on putting my mind to it. That, to me, is the toughest. If you put your mind to it, you will exercise like you are supposed to (no matter what exercise you choose) and you will eat healthy and stay away from the 'bad' foods that you know are not good for you. It all starts within you!
  • whittiejo
    whittiejo Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I need to lose at least 60lbs. I've done it before, but went back to school and blew it. Please feel free to add me. I'm starting on Monday and I need all the motivation I can get.
  • LemonLady13
    LemonLady13 Posts: 14 Member
    I was down 60 and now back up again. I have a dr appt coming up and I'm having nightmares about the scale. HELP! Please add me if you'd like :)
  • karmasmomma5409
    karmasmomma5409 Posts: 3 Member
    Trying to lose 100, but aiming for 50 right now!!! add me if you like :)
  • Babs2Baby
    Babs2Baby Posts: 87 Member
    tesslynnn wrote: »
    Looks like there are a lot of people 'in this boat' with you. It takes determination, in my opinion. It all starts with changing your mindset. KNOWING you can do it and WANTING to do it. You will succeed. I am right here with the rest of you. Just trying to work on putting my mind to it. That, to me, is the toughest. If you put your mind to it, you will exercise like you are supposed to (no matter what exercise you choose) and you will eat healthy and stay away from the 'bad' foods that you know are not good for you. It all starts within you!

    Yeah right now I'm in the process of changing how I look at food and how I feel and look at myself. Like saying things like "I do deserve this" or "I can do this!" It's something I'm not used to. I know it's going to be a hard battle but I think I'm so fed up with this that I'm ready to change!
  • pjohnson0787
    pjohnson0787 Posts: 42 Member
    I need to lose about 130 lbs....anyone can add me!
  • MedHealthyMe
    MedHealthyMe Posts: 4 Member
    Looking to lose 48lbs to be exact, please add away!
  • CrojoMojo
    CrojoMojo Posts: 3 Member
    I have to lose 55 to 60 lbs. Just joined. Please feel free to add me.
  • hikiisavage
    hikiisavage Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is 65! Add me! :)
  • Warriormonk73
    Warriormonk73 Posts: 38 Member
    50 odd to lose here too! Feel free to add peeps.
  • moose20fan
    moose20fan Posts: 14 Member
  • SuicideGoat
    SuicideGoat Posts: 8 Member
  • kaylahardison
    kaylahardison Posts: 141 Member
    Babs2Baby wrote: »
    Went to the doctor and heard the news Ive been dreading all year. Yes I am overweight and need to lose weight. 50lbs to be exact.
    Is there anyone else with a huge goal for the new year? I'd love to add people with similar goals.

    add me! I have a 65 pound goal!