Add Me! Lost 100 lbs ... got comfortable... gained 40 back lol. Back to it like I never left!

sbk91 Posts: 19 Member
edited December 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello MFP,

My name is Stephen. About three years ago, I went from weighing around 350 lbs down to 235 lbs. I reached my original goal of losing 100+ lbs solely by working out and restricting calories 6 days a week for about two years. I had never felt more proud and more accomplished in my entire life. I had maintained the weight loss for the past few years; however, as of the past 6-7 months, I have found myself becoming complacent, not being dedicated and committed to my fitness goals, and I have gained back about 40 lbs. I have come too far to fall into the trap of comfort and laziness to stop now. I want to reach my ultimate goal of 225 lbs... a goal that I was never quite able to reach. As of today, December 26th, 2016, I weigh 278 lbs. I am looking to re-motivate myself to continue on my weight loss journey. I would like to connect with likeminded individuals that are also dedicated and committed to weigh loss and long term results. I am going back to my old habit of tracking all of my foods and working out 6 days per week. I REFUSE to give up on my ultimate goal and I will not stop until I reach it. Lets motivate one another and help each other reach our fitness goals!


  • colt45916
    colt45916 Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm 310lbs and have 100 or more to lose
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have about 120 pounds to lose to get to my high school weight (which was almost 20 years ago). I was doing good earlier this year, then was diagnosed with Lupus and that turned my world upside down. I stopped caring about myself. I'm trying to change that.
  • Angela7zFit
    Angela7zFit Posts: 53 Member
    Feel Free to add me. I am at the gym 6-7 days a week and need to lose the 40 pounds I gain back plus maybe another 20. My diet needs to be on point so that I can start losing again. Always looking to motivate and be motivated by others.
  • larryc251
    larryc251 Posts: 143 Member
    That's awesome man! You have done it before so you know you got this. Just gotta get back on track
    I started at 341 and have gotten to 258.2 as of this morning, shooting for 205 then want to focus on building muscle.
    I sent you a req, and everyone else feel free to add me as well