What are your goals for 2017? Weight loss? Weight gain?
Mine is to lose at least 35 lbs in 2017. It will be hard as hell but I'm going to give 100%.
Everyone feel free to add me if your goals are similar or not. I'm always looking for friends.
Add me also on Fitbit emmas0817@gmail.com


  • bigpete44
    bigpete44 Posts: 32 Member
    Well let's do it but I am aiming for more feel free to add me.
  • ujmpl
    ujmpl Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is also to lose 35 lbs in 2017. I'm losing weight one ounce at a time. It's taking a long time. I need some accountability and friends with similar goals. I got a Fitbit Charger 2 for Christmas and I'm just learning how to use it.
  • dancin_homie
    dancin_homie Posts: 20 Member
    My goal is to continue to change my body--less fat and more muscle. I will also be training for Tough Mudder (with the goal being completing it, haha) which is something I've been wanting to do for years!
  • samchez0
    samchez0 Posts: 364 Member
    Lose fat, build muscle.
    Lost about 40 lbs this year but have really fell off the wagon these last 3+ months so I really want to get everything back under control
  • m0niqueee
    m0niqueee Posts: 84 Member
    Losing 8 more pounds and working out ! Add me (: