Hi. New to the app

Hi, I'm Kelly from Pittsburgh. I am new to this app but not new to the weight loss struggle. In 2010, I participated in a weight loss study with the University of Pittsburgh. I lost 30 lbs and came close to my goal weight but never did hit it. Since then, I have gained back some but not all of the weight.
In my city we get a fair amount or rain, cold and snow, but I prefer to do my exercising outside. I cant stand the thought of running in place on a treadmill or being in a gym otherwise. My favorite activity is bike riding. I have a love/ hate relationship with running. I am terrible at it, but I feel like it gives me the best boost in losing weight. I would love to hear some suggestions on gear that I could wear for biking or running in cold, depressing weather or any songs you find that pump you up. I havent updated my playlist since tupac left us.
I have fallen off the wagon and need to get back on badly. I have been majorly slacking on working out and have been enjoying way too much vodka.
How do I locate that motivation?


  • Elle_Reed
    Elle_Reed Posts: 13 Member
    Hello, my vodka sister :D . I'm also from Pittsburgh. Trying to get in the habit of having good habits. Feel free to add me!