I'm new, push me & hide the goodies !

I'm kidding. Well kind of, I'm making a lot of lifestyle changes. I kicked face space , changed to only a couple decaf coffees instead of my Starbucks sugar over loads ,and am really trying here. I'm a mom and a family gal from Ga , and need a little motivation !!! ( or a lot ). I'm super positive , pretty active but need to get off my bum ! I had health issues last year and it really bummed me out. I just want some friends to relate with along the way. I've moved back home a few months ago and am having to kind of find myself again and a routine. I want to be healthy and happy and inspire others as well. I use to walk miles each day and work out a lot and be really active with my friends and now I just kind of stay home and hide in. Any positive people will do and I'll do my best to cheer you on as well. Good luck guys.