Support for 12-weeks and beyond!

I'm hoping to lose 35 pounds by March 31!

I've been working out and watching what I eat for a few months now. When I wasn't seeing the results I wanted, I kicked it up a notch. I started logging my calories again (20-day streak), and have started a new 5-6 days/week workout regimen. I started doing this about two weeks ago and have lost 3 lbs. I'm also hosting a very health oriented challenge at work for the next 12-weeks (beginning January 6), so I hope it'll also help me.

I will gain some support from co-workers, but I would love motivation and support through MFP! Feel free to add. I usually accept everyone! While I have a 3-month goal in mind, I want to definitely switch gears at that time and focus on maintaining. I have been my goal weight in the past and shot up 30-40 pounds. Would love to prevent that from happening again!

Thanks <3


  • Parr007
    Parr007 Posts: 5 Member
    Due to serious heart issues 5 years ago I had to lose 60lbs. Read about MFP and started a streak that is now 1817 days. Lost all the weight I needed in the first 8 months and have kept it off. I think I would gain it all back if I quit the streak. Now I keep within 5lbs of my planned weight thanks to MFP.