My weight is up and down

Am 25yo 5 foot 10, 17.10 stone dieting for just over a week. 1300 calories a day
Why ain't I loosing anything ?
I really need some help :/


  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    edited December 2016
    A week is way too soon to know if something is working.

    But, so it doesn't become an issue later, are you using a foods scale to measure your calorie intake? If not, you are likely eating more than you think
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Because weight loss isn't linear. Water weight will cause fluctuations every day.

    That said, a 25-year-old male should not be eating only 1300 calories.
  • wayne2017
    wayne2017 Posts: 26 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    A week is way to soon to know if something is working.

    But, so it doesn't become an issue later, are you using a foods scale to measure your calorie intake? If not, you are likely eating more than you think

    I use scales, well I have done the past 2 days feel like am eating more now than I did measuring my food lol
  • wayne2017
    wayne2017 Posts: 26 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Because weight loss isn't linear. Water weight will cause fluctuations every day.

    That said, a 25-year-old male should not be eating only 1300 calories.

    What should my intake be?
    I haven't eat hungry at all and I don't really snack in the day :/
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    wayne2017 wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Because weight loss isn't linear. Water weight will cause fluctuations every day.

    That said, a 25-year-old male should not be eating only 1300 calories.

    What should my intake be?
    I haven't eat hungry at all and I don't really snack in the day :/

    Set your goal to a pound a week and eat what it says. MFP should not have even given you a goal of less than 1500.
  • wayne2017
    wayne2017 Posts: 26 Member
    I lowered it my self because I felt to full eating that much. Feel like am eating more now than before I stated eating healthier
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Eating too little puts you at risk for nutritional deficiencies, more muscle mass lost, fatigue, damage to organs (long term), sets you up for binging later and is not healthy.

    The goal is not to eat as little as possible.
  • wayne2017
    wayne2017 Posts: 26 Member
    Am now at 1630 calories

    I got on the scales this morning and I have put 1 pound on since last week
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Water, waste & food in your system can cause fluctuations. IF you are logging and weighing your food accurately and are eating in a deficit you will lose weight. It just won't be a loss everyday it will be up and down but trending down.

    Weigh first thing in the am after using the restroom. Not at different times of the day. Weigh in the same clothes or just undies. Use the same scales. And most importantly be patient:). Which is easier said then done sometimes.

    Hope this helps.
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    Check your data again, that just doesn't sound right.
    I'm similar stats to you ( a fair bit older though) and averaging 2lbs/week loss on 1620 calories (actually well over 2000 calories eating back exercise calories)

    Good luck!
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    You didn't get fat in a week, you won't get slim in a week.
    Don't pick a silly low calorie goal, you need to make weight loss sustainable, just because it feels OK now with the euphoria of making a fresh start doesn't mean you can stick to your diet for months.

    Weight fluctuates - that's normal, accept it and look for the long term trend not daily or weekly changes.

    Open your diary if you want specific advice. Otherwise have a read of the various very informative sticky threads pinned to the top of each forum.
  • wayne2017
    wayne2017 Posts: 26 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    You didn't get fat in a week, you won't get slim in a week.
    Don't pick a silly low calorie goal, you need to make weight loss sustainable, just because it feels OK now with the euphoria of making a fresh start doesn't mean you can stick to your diet for months.

    Weight fluctuates - that's normal, accept it and look for the long term trend not daily or weekly changes.

    Open your diary if you want specific advice. Otherwise have a read of the various very informative sticky threads pinned to the top of each forum.

    My diary is open now

    I just don't want to be doing this for weeks and not loosing anything, I need to see a difference for motivation.
  • wayne2017
    wayne2017 Posts: 26 Member
    Water, waste & food in your system can cause fluctuations. IF you are logging and weighing your food accurately and are eating in a deficit you will lose weight. It just won't be a loss everyday it will be up and down but trending down.

    Weigh first thing in the am after using the restroom. Not at different times of the day. Weigh in the same clothes or just undies. Use the same scales. And most importantly be patient:). Which is easier said then done sometimes.

    Hope this helps.

    I weigh my self in the morning most mornings, when you look at the scales and see a increase it just knocks you :/

  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    Use a trending graph to see how you're doing, not individual scale readings. (web-based)
    Happy Scale (iOS)
    Libra (Android)

    Our bodyweight fluctuates all the time, but if your logging is accurate and you stay in a deficit you'll lose weight. To help with accurate logging:
    • Double check your entries in your diary against the package or store website, the database contains many errors.
    • Weigh your food in grams, using a digital scale.
    • Use MFP's Recipe Builder if you're making something from scratch, and weigh each individual ingredient before logging it.

    Once you've got a system in place it takes no extra time to be accurate, and you may feel more optimistic knowing that you're eating in a deficit so the minor scale blips won't bother you.
  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    wayne2017 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    A week is way to soon to know if something is working.

    But, so it doesn't become an issue later, are you using a foods scale to measure your calorie intake? If not, you are likely eating more than you think

    I use scales, well I have done the past 2 days feel like am eating more now than I did measuring my food lol

    I peeped at your diary and it's not reflecting scale use for everything, even in the past 2 days. The chances of most foods weighing a round number, or your golden syrup always weighing 12.5 grams are slim-to-none. Look for entries that are in grams too.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    wayne2017 wrote: »
    Water, waste & food in your system can cause fluctuations. IF you are logging and weighing your food accurately and are eating in a deficit you will lose weight. It just won't be a loss everyday it will be up and down but trending down.

    Weigh first thing in the am after using the restroom. Not at different times of the day. Weigh in the same clothes or just undies. Use the same scales. And most importantly be patient:). Which is easier said then done sometimes.

    Hope this helps.

    I weigh my self in the morning most mornings, when you look at the scales and see a increase it just knocks you :/

    If it upsets you perhaps weigh less often. Your weight is going to fluctuate. It won't go down in a straight line. It would be nice but it doesn't work that way.

  • wayne2017
    wayne2017 Posts: 26 Member
    wayne2017 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    A week is way to soon to know if something is working.

    But, so it doesn't become an issue later, are you using a foods scale to measure your calorie intake? If not, you are likely eating more than you think

    I use scales, well I have done the past 2 days feel like am eating more now than I did measuring my food lol

    I peeped at your diary and it's not reflecting scale use for everything, even in the past 2 days. The chances of most foods weighing a round number, or your golden syrup always weighing 12.5 grams are slim-to-none. Look for entries that are in grams too.

    I obviously Carnt weigh golden syrup but things like oats 40g or the banana 114g I think it was I have been weighing.

    I scan the barcode and just use there grams and weigh it out

    If you get what I mean
  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    edited December 2016
    Two methods to weigh things like golden syrup:
    1. Put the jar/tin on the scales and press the 'tare' button (or turn it off and on again) so that it reads zero with the jar/tin on. Keep the scale turned on whilst you remove however much you want, then weigh the jar/tin again and the negative number on your scale is the weight of the syrup that you've removed (this is my preferred method as it means I'm even counting the stuff that I slurp off the spoon!)
    2. Put your bread (or whatever you're adding the syrup to) on the scales and press the 'tare' button so that it reads zero, then add your syrup and see how much it weighs.

    The barcode scanner just leads to the same, usually incorrect, information in the database. Read the packaging to make sure the result is accurate, and if it's not create your own entry. The benefits of creating your own entries - and not sharing them with the database - is that nobody else will be able to modify them and they'll remain in the My Foods section of your diary.

    I'm assuming you're in the UK due to the Asda entries, and if so all our packaging shows the nutrition data per 100g so use that. Then if you use correct entries you won't have things like .67 of a slice of bread, you'll have it in grams.

    Edited to add: Don't believe the weight on the packaging, it's seldom correct. Weigh it yourself and you'll see.