Weight loss tips no one thinks about

I've decided we could post tips or tricks that work for us in our weight loss that are out of the box.

My unusual tip is to get rid of clothes that become to big as soon as it happens. I don't care if it's your favorite pants don't keep them not even "just in case you gain the weigh back" cuz we're not gaining the weight back and getting rid of your bigger clothes leaves you no way to go back without buying new and bigger clothes.

For me I had these "fat" jeans that I'd wear when I was feeling bloated or nothing else was clean..then I gained weight and they were the only pants that fit me (barely). Then I started losing weight and fit back into some of my other pants, the fat pants still fit but because I could fit in smaller pants I tossed the fat pants immediately and my mom actually tried to make me keep them. And I told her I will never wear these pants again if I gain the weight back I guess I'll have to wear sweats or be naked. I once had a pair of jeans I really liked so when I went shopping once they were clearancing out all of that style so I bought the only pair in my size (even tried them on) turns out they were a size smaller than the pair I had at home..even though I hated to do it because I really loved those jeans I tossed the bigger size (which was little big on me after I compared the 2). Tossing the bigger size left me nothing to fall back on. To me throwing away your bigger sizes as you fit in smaller sizes is the ultimate commitment especially when you truly like the clothes.