The KEY to new year's resolutions?

I've written and failed my resolutions every single years right?
Well I think the problem, at least mine, is that we focus on the goal, like, for example "losing 10kg this year" or "get in shape", while we should be focusing on HOW to accomplish that.
So, for this year, I want my resolutions to be
- Keep tracking my meals
- Start taking trainings more seriously, at least twice a week.
- Saving 5€ for every time I can but I am too lazy to go to the gym (or to class, which I should too)
- ALWAYS take the stairs (unless I'm carrying a lot of weight) and save 2€ for every time I use the lift instead.

Like this. This way at least I will be rich if I fail.
What about yours? :)


  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I don't do resolutions. I figure if the change is important enough to make, I will make it anytime of the year. Additionally, I don't like starting my year off with a plan to fail (only because I have never kept mine). If this works for you, then that's great!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    I don't do resolutions. I figure if the change is important enough to make, I will make it anytime of the year. Additionally, I don't like starting my year off with a plan to fail (only because I have never kept mine). If this works for you, then that's great!

    This. I don't do resolutions.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Last year was the first time I solidly kept a New Year's Resolution all year round. I actually started pre-New Year's and dedicated myself around October. For 2017, I've already hit my NYR (squatting 250 lbs.) so I guess I have to reevaluate. The key is definitely focusing on how to accomplish the goal. You are absolutely correct!

    My NYR for 2017 include continuing my fitness journey (having more abs by summer and being able to do pull-ups non-assisted, plus growing the glutes), being less OCD, more confident/positive and taking initiative more.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Make SMART goals