Most embarrassing question ever.......

Okay, I have been searching the message boards for over a month hoping someone else would post this, but no one has. I'm gonna suck it and ask it myself, embarrassing as it may be.

Okay, about a month ago, I started the NROLFW. Okay, let me take that back, About a month and a half ago, I got the book, but decided to just "see" how strong I was. I deadlifted 40 pounds on a 10 pound bar. I did it like 5 times, thats it. Well, a few days later, I was at the pharmacy bying ointment (you know, preparation H kind of stuff.) I was miserable for 2 weeks! I am so scared to start back trying to lift because of that. Now, mind you......I am not some tiny little chick, as you can read on my profile. I'm 6'3 and not small, at all. I'm strong. I don't ask my husband to open jars or move heavy things. I've always done it myself. I've gotta be strong to carry around this body.

My question I the only one who has ever experienced this? I am so scared to try again for fear it'll happen again. Any advice, or am I just doomed to not be able to lift heavy?

Now, my face is 50 shades of red and I am embarrassed beyone belief, but it had to be asked. Please be kind........


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You exerted yourself in a way that your body is not used to. Of course you're going to feel soreness.

    Don't use that as an excuse. But follow the program, don't just "try" stuff out to see what you can randomly lift. You might end up actually hurting yourself. More exercise is the cure for soreness. Promise. Now get your *kitten* back to work.


    Edit: Completely forgot that this could be a form issue. Video yourself or have someone watch you to double check that you're doing it correctly.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    You exerted yourself in a way that your body is not used to. Of course you're going to feel soreness.

    Don't use that as an excuse. But follow the program, don't just "try" stuff out to see what you can randomly lift. You might end up actually hurting yourself. More exercise is the cure for soreness. Promise. Now get your *kitten* back to work.


    this....truly...just this
  • CassieLeigh86
    CassieLeigh86 Posts: 68 Member
    Well, I can't say that this has ever happened to me...but I'm going to guess it had something to do with your form being off, or it's an unhappy coincidence. I can't for the life of me come up with an explanation for why deadlifts would do that!

    That being said, you can always try searching the NROL4W group, found here:

    It's a pretty helpful place to go for advice/tips/motivation.

    It might be a pain in the *kitten*, but don't give up :tongue:
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    Okay, I have been searching the message boards for over a month hoping someone else would post this, but no one has. I'm gonna suck it and ask it myself, embarrassing as it may be.

    Okay, about a month ago, I started the NROLFW. Okay, let me take that back, About a month and a half ago, I got the book, but decided to just "see" how strong I was. I deadlifted 40 pounds on a 10 pound bar. I did it like 5 times, thats it. Well, a few days later, I was at the pharmacy bying ointment (you know, preparation H kind of stuff.) I was miserable for 2 weeks! I am so scared to start back trying to lift because of that. Now, mind you......I am not some tiny little chick, as you can read on my profile. I'm 6'3 and not small, at all. I'm strong. I don't ask my husband to open jars or move heavy things. I've always done it myself. I've gotta be strong to carry around this body.

    My question I the only one who has ever experienced this? I am so scared to try again for fear it'll happen again. Any advice, or am I just doomed to not be able to lift heavy?

    Now, my face is 50 shades of red and I am embarrassed beyone belief, but it had to be asked. Please be kind........

    have you had children? The chances are that is a weak spot if you've had kids before.... just be careful, make sure your form is right and follow the book to the letter.... also tighten your glutes right up .... kinda hold it all in when you're coming up .... if that makes sense? lol

    I hope I have understood what you were trying to say properly.... or this might not make any sense :laugh:
  • CassieLeigh86
    CassieLeigh86 Posts: 68 Member
    You exerted yourself in a way that your body is not used to. Of course you're going to feel soreness.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I think she was experiencing more than soreness...Preparation H is usually used for a pretty specific ailment, and one that is a bit different from muscle fatigue...

    I do agree, though, that the OP should really follow the program and not give up!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You exerted yourself in a way that your body is not used to. Of course you're going to feel soreness.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I think she was experiencing more than soreness...Preparation H is usually used for a pretty specific ailment, and one that is a bit different from muscle fatigue...

    I do agree, though, that the OP should really follow the program and not give up!

    I don't know what it's used for. Thought it was for pain.

    Just googled, it says hemorrhoids? Okay, IGNORE ME. Lol I have no clue on that one.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    You exerted yourself in a way that your body is not used to. Of course you're going to feel soreness.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I think she was experiencing more than soreness...Preparation H is usually used for a pretty specific ailment, and one that is a bit different from muscle fatigue...

    I do agree, though, that the OP should really follow the program and not give up!

    Perhaps the OP forgot to squeeze her glutes and tighten her core while shoving her hips through the bar. IMHO, NROLFW isn't so great on teaching form. Try "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    To echo what everyone else said, try a lighter weight until you get your form right. Then start increasing. There is a cream called, I think, Nupercainal that is a little hard to find sometimes, but FAR superior to Prep H. Plus you can use it on burns and cuts, too.
  • ttippie2000
    ttippie2000 Posts: 412 Member
    It happens. My wife set a bunch of powerlifting world records. If the truth be known, she was wearing adult diapers for most of them.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    just remember when getting into any lifting program..... preparation is key :smile: \m/
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    It's about your pelvic floor muscles, most likely.

    BeachIron is right that squeezing your glutes might help with that, and I would do some kegels... In general, adjusting form should help with those sorts of issues, if not prevent them completely.
  • CassieLeigh86
    CassieLeigh86 Posts: 68 Member
    "It happens. My wife set a bunch of powerlifting world records. If the truth be known, she was wearing adult diapers for most of them. "

    If this is true, then I don't know why most women's beef with lifting is that they'll get bulky...yikes!
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    It happens. My wife set a bunch of powerlifting world records. If the truth be known, she was wearing adult diapers for most of them.

    That's heavy man.
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I concur with what everyone has said here - mostly.
    As an ex health professional, I would say that you should swallow your pride and go see your doctor. What you are suffering from is in effect, a varicose vein in an unmentionable area. That shows a venous weakness - nothing to be scared of, it can be fixed - as long as you don't re-stress it.
    One reply asked if you had children - that's a valid question. the pressure on the lower part of the intestines during pregnancy, and ALSO if you have ever been seriously overweight (no insult intended). this makes the vascular system weaker and most women in pregnancy suffer from what you are suffering from now. You may not have, but just had a weakness. Any "straining" in that area of the body where there is a weakness and hey boys! out they come!!
    Just get a check up. Some medication will put you right in a jiffy, don't try to self-medicate, for one thing, you just cant see what you're doing unless you have a partner who really doesn't mind (and you don't either). your doctor wont bat an eyelid, he/she has seen it all before. Your bits are no different to anyone else's bits. Apart from that you will be paying for the right medication.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I concur with what everyone has said here - mostly.
    As an ex health professional, I would say that you should swallow your pride and go see your doctor. What you are suffering from is in effect, a varicose vein in an unmentionable area. That shows a venous weakness - nothing to be scared of, it can be fixed - as long as you don't re-stress it.
    One reply asked if you had children - that's a valid question. the pressure on the lower part of the intestines during pregnancy, and ALSO if you have ever been seriously overweight (no insult intended). this makes the vascular system weaker and most women in pregnancy suffer from what you are suffering from now. You may not have, but just had a weakness. Any "straining" in that area of the body where there is a weakness and hey boys! out they come!!
    Just get a check up. Some medication will put you right in a jiffy, don't try to self-medicate, for one thing, you just cant see what you're doing unless you have a partner who really doesn't mind (and you don't either). your doctor wont bat an eyelid, he/she has seen it all before. Your bits are no different to anyone else's bits. Apart from that you will be paying for the right medication.

    exactly. That is what I was trying to say but maybe I was being a bit too mysterious about it lol ....I used to work with pregnant women and it's a common complaint due to added pressure/weight and hormones.... and once they're there it can often be a re-occurring problem ... even after childbirth, especially when bearing heavy loads. I suggested tensing your glutes as it can help (pelvic floor) when pulling the weight upwards but it depends how bad they are. Pelvic floor exercise will benefit you no matter what though and you should do them every day, especially if you are lifting heavy weights ...

    To be honest though what you are describing can be quite nasty and so if they don't improve with regular pelvic floor exercises and the cream I would see your doctor as sometimes they have to be surgically removed. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of fibre especially if you are eating high protein.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    "It happens. My wife set a bunch of powerlifting world records. If the truth be known, she was wearing adult diapers for most of them. "

    If this is true, then I don't know why most women's beef with lifting is that they'll get bulky...yikes!

    It's not a subject that people discuss often. Here's a related issue, also caused by pelvic floor muscle weakness:
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Okay, I have been searching the message boards for over a month hoping someone else would post this, but no one has. I'm gonna suck it and ask it myself, embarrassing as it may be.

    Okay, about a month ago, I started the NROLFW. Okay, let me take that back, About a month and a half ago, I got the book, but decided to just "see" how strong I was. I deadlifted 40 pounds on a 10 pound bar. I did it like 5 times, thats it. Well, a few days later, I was at the pharmacy bying ointment (you know, preparation H kind of stuff.) I was miserable for 2 weeks! I am so scared to start back trying to lift because of that. Now, mind you......I am not some tiny little chick, as you can read on my profile. I'm 6'3 and not small, at all. I'm strong. I don't ask my husband to open jars or move heavy things. I've always done it myself. I've gotta be strong to carry around this body.

    My question I the only one who has ever experienced this? I am so scared to try again for fear it'll happen again. Any advice, or am I just doomed to not be able to lift heavy?

    Now, my face is 50 shades of red and I am embarrassed beyone belief, but it had to be asked. Please be kind........

    So, hemorrhoids can happen with excessive abdominal/pelvic strain, prolonged sitting, less than conventional sexual forms, childbirth and pregnancy. Are you sure it was the deadlifts? If you are sure that this is where it came from, then you definitely want to check your form. Make sure you aren't using poor posture through your lift and cheating and straining your abs and pelvic muscles excessively.

    If you are just starting out, I recommend lightening the load and working on your form until you have that down, and then gradually increasing the weight onc eyou hav ethe form down.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    I concur with what everyone has said here - mostly.
    As an ex health professional, I would say that you should swallow your pride and go see your doctor. What you are suffering from is in effect, a varicose vein in an unmentionable area. That shows a venous weakness - nothing to be scared of, it can be fixed - as long as you don't re-stress it.
    One reply asked if you had children - that's a valid question. the pressure on the lower part of the intestines during pregnancy, and ALSO if you have ever been seriously overweight (no insult intended). this makes the vascular system weaker and most women in pregnancy suffer from what you are suffering from now. You may not have, but just had a weakness. Any "straining" in that area of the body where there is a weakness and hey boys! out they come!!
    Just get a check up. Some medication will put you right in a jiffy, don't try to self-medicate, for one thing, you just cant see what you're doing unless you have a partner who really doesn't mind (and you don't either). your doctor wont bat an eyelid, he/she has seen it all before. Your bits are no different to anyone else's bits. Apart from that you will be paying for the right medication.

    ^^^Words of wisdom for sure!
  • redheadedgal
    redheadedgal Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks so much for the replies. To answer some questions: Yes, I have children. Yes, I am overweight, was once way worse than now, topping the scale at 450 pounds. I sit all day every day and didn't do anything out of the ordinary other than the dead lifts. I am 110% sure my form was wrong, and I I was crazy for attempting it without knowing the proper form and technique first.

    It's just an awful and annoying pain that I hate. I developed them 16 years ago when I was pregnant with my son. They have only flared up once since then and that was from moving heavy furniture, trying to put a rug down in my apartment, all by myself. That is why I know it is the deadlift that did it this time, the out of the ordinary heavy lifting. I am sure I need to see my doctor, but asking the question on here took a month. I don't know that I could ever face my doctor with this dilemma.

    As far as the glutes.......nope, didn't squeeze them. In fact, didn't know I was supposed to. Again, with the form.

    I am going to start back at it, very lightly I might add and not over do it this time. I'm just so darn impatient. I know I am already strong, its just my form that is funked up.

    Again, thanks so much for the help with such a personal matter.