Binge Eating NEEDS to stop! Please Help!



  • MnWild74
    MnWild74 Posts: 34 Member
    @fiddletime the work good used to be huge for me, a lot of times I look at it thinking if this food is sitting here it's someone's and eating it would be stealing. That's helped me in the past
  • aft85
    aft85 Posts: 54 Member
    i'm afriad of slipping into bad habits now i'm fired from my job and miserable, with lots of empty hours to fill.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    How much do you restrict and how low is your calorie intake? Overly restrictive intake usually lead to binging
  • dawling11
    dawling11 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm an emotional binge eater, and I LOVE sugar. I just started a 28 day mindful eating program, i purchased online. I just did day one yesterday. Trying to be more mindful will help me slow down and enjoy the food more. It will be very hard not to eat in front of the tv. I have 100+ to lose and i would like to get control over my eating this year. I would love for us all to support each other, please add me.
  • MnWild74
    MnWild74 Posts: 34 Member
    @singingflutelady I originally thought about setting it for a 2 pound loss a week, but after a lot of thought I pushed it back to 1 pound a week. I agree with you too much restriction will lead to a binge
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    MnWild74 wrote: »
    @singingflutelady I originally thought about setting it for a 2 pound loss a week, but after a lot of thought I pushed it back to 1 pound a week. I agree with you too much restriction will lead to a binge

    Good plan. It's a viscous cycle for me. I am a mostly recovered anorexic binge/purge subtype and I still fall into it sometimes :(
  • msfanglet
    msfanglet Posts: 17 Member
    HI.. I'm a serious binge eater. I bag a Mini Reese's doesn't stand a chance! I even eat in my sleep. I have been working with a health coach through my insurance and the first thing he said is " YOU"RE HUNGRY!" Which totally shocked me. So, I started documenting my eating (ALL of it..every last morsel) and over the course of several months, have started eating 3 meals a day, no skipping, no guilt. It's really cut down on the binging. I eat until I'm full, which can be 1000 calories a meal sometimes (but its decreasing). If it helps, I'll be happy to share what I'm learning with you, or anyone else here. I keep dark chocolate Hershey Kisses in the freezer for my sugar attack. OH, I've found Ritz chips (12 chips/serving)and Wheat Thins Popped (30 chips/serving) for snacking. Potato chips are hands down THE WORST snack food on earth. Out the door they went. I miss potato
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Get a different doctor? Go see a specialist.
  • MnWild74
    MnWild74 Posts: 34 Member
    @AllOutof_Bubblegum believe me that Doctor's seen the LAST of me!
  • MnWild74
    MnWild74 Posts: 34 Member
    @msfanglet any and all ideas are welcome :) 3 days ago, I thought I blew the days calories by 9am and it was at that very moment I stopped mid binge for the first time ever! That very moment I promised myself to log EVERYTHING even if I go way over my calories, it would be a way for me to track my binges and triggers. Sugar I'm finding out is a big factor. My 2017 goal is to be more mindful of what I am eating and feeling.
  • LisaEatSleepRun
    LisaEatSleepRun Posts: 159 Member
    Fellow binge-eater here! I have found that I have always been addicted to something, from alcohol, drugs, computer games and the wrong men! After quitting all those in my late 20s it became sugar. I went low carb (keto specifically) about 5 months ago and have found it is a winning lifestyle for me. Beating the sugar addiction has changed my life and especially my relationship with food. Maybe give it a go? It is not for everyone, but I have lost lots of weight and got rid of insulin resistance and certainly don't binge anymore. I run now too, 5 to 6 days a week which helps my mental health so much also. Wishing you the best of luck in getting back on track!
  • Lostyourchariot
    Lostyourchariot Posts: 5 Member
    Not really in a position to offer much advice as have just managed to binge over Christmas and ate 6000 unnecessary calories, mostly chocolate! However, a few suggestions - can you try not to have the things you binge on in the house (may not be possible if other members of your household bring in food)? Can you set yourself little rituals, such as cleaning your teeth before you binge, which will deal with oral gratification and make some foods taste a bit off. I find I just get restless if I'm doing something, and get up and walk about and before I know it I've opened the fridge and put about 300 calories in my mouth without thinking -if you do that can you have something to do instead, such as if you have a nice smelling herb you could rub it in your fingers and get a reward that way. Also perhaps doing something else with your hands if you are watching Netflix or browsing the net, such as sewing, knitting, adult colouring books. This is especially useful if you do something which gets your hands dirty such as clay modelling or sketching with charcoal, as the need to wash your hands before you eat might give you pause.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I still binge (like 4500 calories tonight) but here are some things that help:

    When I binge, I log it. It helps to own it
    I Don't let myself get too hungry, I snack every few hours to avoid triggering a binge from legit hunger
    I prep my meals and snacks every morning, no worrying about where my next meal is coming from
    I keep healthy foods in the house, so when I do binge, it's on fruit, yogurt, protein bars, cottage cheese, lean meat, etc
    If there is a specific food that brings it on -- for example, peanut butter-- look for substitutes like PB2 mixed with yogurt that fill the hole
    If I'm bored, I go for a 30 minute walk to get my mind off food, or use my foam roller
  • Lostyourchariot
    Lostyourchariot Posts: 5 Member
    Also you can have a "lesser binge". I remember when my last child left home and I was overcome with sadness and really craved a chocolate cake, which I would have had to go to the shops to buy. I managed to overcome the worst by making a brown bread and butter banana sandwich. Yes, still full of calories but considerably more healthy than the intended cake!
  • A185945
    A185945 Posts: 16 Member
    It's so motivating to read other posts from people who battle or have battled with binge eating. I am a binge eater. I have resolved two weeks ago that I will not binge eat anymore. My weakness is late night snacking. I have found what helps me is just getting rid of temptation. I have given my husband everything and anything that is not good for me and he has locked those snacks away. I keep my fridge clear of any unhealthy or fattening snacks. Slowly it's starting to work. It's not an easy process, every day I battle with the prospect of overeating or binge eating. Good luck on your journey!
  • Savagedistraction
    Savagedistraction Posts: 312 Member
    MnWild74 wrote: »
    Help :( my binge eating is out of control, i reached out to my Dr. for help and she all but told me there was nothing that can help me. I am 42 years old and have gained almost 40 pounds this year. i feel like i am out of control. All i want is to be in control of my weight and get healthy and energetic again. I start off great in the morning, then the "just start tomorrow" voice kicks in and i ALWAYS throw in the towel. If you are a binge eater, what are some tips that you have to stay motivated and or getting started on getting healthy and away from the binge.

    Click the video.
  • carriestephens1
    carriestephens1 Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2017
    For me upping lean protein plus getting rid of diet soda, reducing sugar and processed foods (not eliminating) really curbed my desire to binge. It was one thing at a time, a slow and gradual process. Drastic measures always sent me into binge mode. I also agree with @singingflutelady restrictive diet usually leads to binging! Make sure you are not restricting your calories too much by calculating your TRUE caloric intake (use google, you will find many sources for info on how to do this) and only reducing that by 300-500 calories per day... once you find that sweet spot you will have fewer binges and just feel better!! Goodluck!!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Have you tried pre-planning and prepping your meals a full day in advance? Make breakfast, AM snack, lunch, PM snack, and dinner and store in individual containers ready to eat in the fridge. Take what you need with you to school/work. I have significant binge habits as well, and having a plan is the best way I know how to keep myself on track. It's also a lot easier to have what you're planning on eating right there with you, so you don't let yourself get too hungry and make bad choices while you're trying to cook something healthy.
  • MNFitnessGal
    MNFitnessGal Posts: 36 Member
    Hang in there. I noticed once I dropped most sugar from diet, I didn't crave it at all. Binging is tough, I had to stop letting sugary snacks in the house. It's so true that eating more sugar causes more cravings, it's a vicious cycle. I've had my share of insensitive docs too, try a new one if you can. My suggestion would be to focus on eating more filling foods like proteins, greek yogurt, fiber bars, oatmeal, and water all can curb sugar cravings. Diet pop is one way to get off sugar pop. When I switched from sugar pop to diet, I lost 25 lbs. Exercise too also helped curb cravings. I found that when I worked out, I didn't want to ruin all that effort by eating poorly. Good motivation. Again, hang in there, I know how hard it is. Are you in MN? :wink: