what's the deal with P90X? or walking my pounds off...

papriky Posts: 4
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Everytime I see the commercial I'm always thinking this **** I gotta try. I haven't motivated myself to get the info or the DVD's though. I want to lose weight but I'm only eating better and not excercising, what would you recommend as a fitness buddy to my altered diet. And also can you lose weight by just walking alone? For example walking briskly for an hour everyday. Any ideas are welcome.


  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    You should be able to lose weight by just sticking to the recommended net calories on MFP. Exercising will just give you more calories to work with and make you healthier overall. Walking is a good source of exercise to get started if you're not use to exercising, then you can possibly switch to jogging/running.
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    Yes the Leslie Sansone Walking DVD's are excellent and there are many to choose from. She has muscle mile which includes working with hand weights and the walk/jog when you work up to that. I highly recommend walking, even outside, it is a great economical way to shed pounds and feel good overall. Especially if you were like me, who never did any exercise, now I can't stop, I even joined a gym!!! :) Good luck. :wink:
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Don't buy any DVDs or products because they promise to take off the pounds. Just get out there and do something you enjoy, whether it be dancing, swimming, walking, jogging, zumba, aerobics, martial arts, skating, whatever. You are much more likely to stick with the exercise if you enjoy it. And soon, you'll find yourself wanting bigger and bigger challenges that may lead you to buying something like P90X or Insanity DVDs or hiring a personal trainer. But in the meantime, just get moving.
  • mswing7674
    mswing7674 Posts: 44
    any cardio type exercise will help shed fat.. however while you are shedding fat you don't want to lose muscle... sooo my trainer said that you want to have a combination of strength and cardio in your exercise regimen
  • Lailabug
    Lailabug Posts: 7
    I KNOW FOR A FACT that walking will take the pounds off! I am an example of this, I was 10 pounds heavier this time last year, and often wondered the same thing, It's strange...but the rest of my body has gotten better as well, (arms, back, rump, etc.), and I walk about 4.5 MPH for 75 to 90 minutes a day. Another great draw is WALKING IS FREE, all you need are some good tennis shoes, and comfortable clothes and you are ready! So you don't have to spend a great deal to get started. It has been a great way to take off the pounds, but also has been a wonderful time to get some fresh air and sunshine. I have a walking buddy, (my daughter) and all we did was drive off 6 miles, and then get to stepping, We use this time to get caught up, and it is fantastic, because it doesn't even feel like you have worked out. PX90 is fantastic, don't get me wrong, but I STILL walk everyday, and I enjoy it so much, it will be the one thing I continue to do from now on.
  • I find that walking is a really easy way to exercise, because we are all capable of it and you can go at your own pace, and as Lailabug mentioned, its free! Also, you can work it around your day... like walking to work and back or going for a walk with a friend.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    It's all about the movement! Go with whatever makes you happy. The more you move, the more you'll lose!
  • CarlGleave
    CarlGleave Posts: 46 Member
    walking is great, but the good old lamp post is an amazing tool walk one run one or walk two run one, till you get a better fitness level !!!!!!!!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I agree that walking is great exercise. I walk my dogs every day (rain or shine) for an hour and get a great calorie burn. That said, I'm also a huge believer in strength training, especially for women. If you want to lose weight, yep, it can be done by walking and watching what you eat. Add strength training 3 days/week into the mix and you increase your lean muscle mass, increase your metabolism, and lessen your chances for common issues (i.e. loss of bone density and chances for osteoporosis) as we age. Also, do NOT be afraid to lift heavy weights. I regularly am pushing and pulling 15-30 lb. dumbbells, and I assure you, I'm getting smaller in size, not bigger!
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    my friend tried that p90x and only lasted 4 days before quitting...and at the time we had just worked with a trainer 3 days a week for 12 weeks..she said the videos were just wayyy too hard and time consuming!
    i love leslies walking videos though...definately give those a try!
  • RomyNine
    RomyNine Posts: 10
    I have been eating at or under my calorie intake since January and have lost 35 pounds. Ialso walk my dog every day at least an hour and walk almost everywhere if I do go out. On top of that I started kickboxing three weeks ago and have noticed muscle tone and more weight loss.

    You can lose al the weight with proper eating, calories and nutrition considered. I think the walking can only add to your overall health.

    My firneds son does the P90X system and it's a very vigorous workout.

    I hopethis helps.
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