New kid in class...

I'm Rebecca, a 32yr old happy go-lucky kind of gal. I'm not new to attempting to lose weight, but I'm new to MFP. My PCP actually recommended this site and so far I'm glad I listened.

I've got wonderfully supportive family and friends behind me, but I'm hoping to interact with others who are on the same journey as I am - working on better physical health and an increased sense of overall well-being.

Hope to hear from anybody out there.



  • MrsVin86
    MrsVin86 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Rebecca!!! I hear you on wanting more interaction with people on the same journey! I have a lifestyle group on Facebook and would love it if you joined! We will be supporting and motivating each other, sharing tips and recipes, etc. If you're interested search for the group called "Positive Health Positive Pulse" and we would love you to join :)