Pregnancy settings

I am currently pregnant with my second child, I used my fitness pal to get myself down to my goal weight just in time for our beach vacation and unexpectedly getting pregnant again. So I am 22 weeks pregnant and I have gained 13 pounds. I had a rough first trimester and all my baby wanted to eat was carbs, so now my energy is back and I'm trying to work out a little bit and I'm back to counting calories with this app. My question is what setting or goals should I use to keep myself on target. I am not trying to loose weight I know that isn't healthy I just want to slow down my weight gain a bit.


  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    Talk with your doctor and find out what they suggest. Then, you can set a custom goal here, rather than relying on the estimates MFP gives you.

  • HelenMC9784
    HelenMC9784 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm currently pregnant, 18 weeks, I have gained 20 pounds already, which I know isn't good, especially since I started overweight. I set MFP for maintain. For my weight that still gives me over 2000 calories a day. I wasn't sure what else I should set it to.
  • kalagius
    kalagius Posts: 10 Member
    ceakayy wrote: »
    I am currently pregnant with my second child, I used my fitness pal to get myself down to my goal weight just in time for our beach vacation and unexpectedly getting pregnant again. So I am 22 weeks pregnant and I have gained 13 pounds. I had a rough first trimester and all my baby wanted to eat was carbs, so now my energy is back and I'm trying to work out a little bit and I'm back to counting calories with this app. My question is what setting or goals should I use to keep myself on target. I am not trying to loose weight I know that isn't healthy I just want to slow down my weight gain a bit.

    Hi, I'm currently 26 wks and have gained 10kgs so my goal is also to maintain my weight and not gain any unnecessary weight. I had an appt today with a trainer and we've set my goal to maintain and to stick to my Daily Calorie carb goal is 45%...protein is 25% and fats is 30%. My Daily Energy Estimate is 1951cal to maintain weight and then add 450cal for pregnancy (I think that's 3rd trimester though because I'm almost there-it's different for 2nd tm). So instead of MFP calculating it for me I put it my DEE in custom section.
  • kalagius
    kalagius Posts: 10 Member
    I'm currently pregnant, 18 weeks, I have gained 20 pounds already, which I know isn't good, especially since I started overweight. I set MFP for maintain. For my weight that still gives me over 2000 calories a day. I wasn't sure what else I should set it to.

    Hi, go to and you can calculate your Daily Energy Intake yourself and you add extra calories for pregnancy...them set a custom goal on MFP instead of it doing it for you..
  • kalagius
    kalagius Posts: 10 Member
    I'm currently 26 weeks pregnant and am trying to maintain my weight...does it matter if I still have Calories leftover at the end of the day?? Is this bad or good?? I ate heaps today and heaps of good food but I just didn't feel hungry for dinner due to the heat (41degrees Celsius in Adelaide Aust). I've had plenty of energy though; haven't felt sluggish at all.
  • Sixel
    Sixel Posts: 57 Member
    When I was pregnant, I mainly used MFP to track my intake. I calculated my TDEE/saw what MFP gave me for maintenance and added 300 kcal for pregnancy. I think that's the estimate for the 2nd trimester.

    I tried to eat around that number but wasn't too worried if I just didn't feel hungry and would stay about 300 kcal under. I made sure I'd always eat at least 1500 kcal (more if I had exercised).

    Remember there's plenty of women out there who don't track calories, who gain weight (some a lot, some very little) and who still deliver a healthy baby.

    But if you're not sure, talk to your doctor.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I set my goal to maintenance after the first trimester and that seemed to work well - gained 23 lbs out of the 25 lbs my midwife recommended. We were both happy with the result! :)
  • Tabbycat00
    Tabbycat00 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi! When I was pregnant with my daughter I gained 10lbs. right away. Then everything kinda slowed down (I gained 24lbs total). I just kept with my normal calorie intake but didn't reduce calories when I had a cheat day (about once or twice a week on average). I say listen to your body and your doctor and it will all fall into place.
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    I'm 14 weeks currently and have set MFP to maintain. I started out a bit overweight after losing 53lb from my first pregnancy. I have successfully maintained my weight so far. My dr was ok wth me maintaining until 3rd tri, but I'd also suggest asking your OB about a good number for you.

    For what it's worth, I am not militant about my calorie intake though. I try to stick to my maintenance calories as much as possible but on a day that I am unusually hungry, I will eat more than maintenance. I figure it is my body telling me it needs more calories that day.